正式な NEBS テスト環境で測定された音響ノイズは、77.7 LWAd(dB)です。シャーシは、最大 90 秒のファンレス動作に対応できるように設計されており、有用性が向上します。 図2. Cisco Catalyst 9606R シャーシ(ファントレイ付き) 適合標準規格 次の表に、Cisco ...
[OK - 1046 bytes] Certificate has the following attributes: Fingerprint:AC6FC55E CC29E891 0DC3FAAA B4747C10 % Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]:yes Trustpoint CA certificate accepted. ssl-proxy(config)# crypto ca trustpoint test-2tier ssl-proxy(ca-trustpoint)# enrol...
[OK - 1046 bytes] Certificate has the following attributes: Fingerprint:AC6FC55E CC29E891 0DC3FAAA B4747C10 % Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]:yes Trustpoint CA certificate accepted. ssl-proxy(config)# crypto ca trustpoint test-2tier ssl-proxy(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment...
<configConfMo dn="sys/svc-ext/syslog/client-primary" cookie="75060986c1/754a14c8-0b92-4d24-b139-e2905a965c10" response="yes"> <outConfig> <commSyslogClient adminState="enabled" hostname="" name="primary" port="6514" proto="tcp" secureEn...