ZZ TopbassistElwood Francishas now explained why hewhipped out a massive 17-string bass guitaronstage with the long-running classic rock band last week. Francis, formerly a stage technician for ZZ Top, joined the group as their new bass player last year after the death of longtime ZZ Top b...
The performance went ahead with longtime guitar tech Elwood Francis in Hill’s place. Fan-shot video from the Village Commons in New Lenox, Ill. can be seen below. “The members of ZZ Top,Billy [Gibbons], andFrank [Beard], would like to share that Dusty, their fearless bass player, is...
Elwood Francis (left) and Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top performing at the Stagecoach Festival in Indio, California, 2023. ZZ Top, American rock group famous for its rugged blues-driven guitar work, irreverent music videos, and embrace of its Texas roots, as well as for the musicians’ ...
The Top’s opening trio was Mike “The Drifter” Flanigin’s band, bringing more Texas and Tennessee heat. Flanigin is a legendary Hammond B3 organ player, having been on the Austin blues scene since 1991. The other members are the phenomenal players Jason Smay on drums and guitarist Mc...
ZZ Top will include longtime guitar techElwood Francisalongside founding guitaristBilly F. Gibbonsand drummerFrank Beard, with Lynyrd Skynyrd’s lineup comprised ofJohnny Van Zant(younger brother of the lateRonnie Van Zant),Rickey Medlocke,Mark “Sparky” Matejka,Michael Cartellone,Keith Christopher,...
Longtime guitar tech Elwood Francis filled in for Hill at the show. “The members of ZZ Top, Billy and Frank, would like to share that Dusty, their fearless bass player, is on a short detour back to Texas to address a hip issue,” the band said at the time. “They await a speedy...
ZZ Top, Americanrockgroup famous for its ruggedblues-drivenguitarwork,irreverentmusicvideos, and embrace of itsTexasroots, as well as for the musicians’ distinctive facial hair. The members are singer-guitaristBilly Gibbons (b. December 16, 1949,Houston, Texas, U.S.), bass playerDusty Hill ...