The mass storage device example makes the Zynq board appear as a small 1 MB flash memory device when connected to a Host system. The Ethernet RNDIS example creates an adapter to allow another system (Host PC) to access the Linux operating system. The functionality on the...
Step12: 在新建工程中完成C代码的设计。 #include#include#include "xparameters.h" #include "sleep.h" #include "platform.h" int main() { XGpio output; int Status; /* * Initialize the GPIO driver so that it's ready to use, * specify the device ID that is generated in xparameters.h */...
In the 2019.1 release U-boot for Zynq UltraScale+ devices, USB3.0 device mode does not work when booting through USB boot mode. For example, if you are using an Ultra96 Rev 1 board with USB boot mode it hangs without a successful boot. Xilinx Zynq MP First Stage Boot Loader Release 20...
The mass storage device example makes the Zynq board appear as a small 1 MB flash memory device when connected to a Host system. The Ethernet RNDIS example creates an adapter to allow another system (Host PC) to access the Linux operating system. The functionality on the Zynq board depend...
首先我们将下载器与领航者底板上的JTAG接口连接,下载器另外一端与电脑连接。然后使用Mini USB连接线将USB_UART接口与电脑连接,用于串口通信。最后连接开发板的电源,并打开电源开关。 在SDK软件下方的SDK Terminal窗口中点击右上角的加号设置并连接串口。然后在应用工程uart_intr_loop上右击,选择“Run As”,然后选择第...
The mass storage device example makes the Zynq board appear as a small 1 MB flash memory device when connected to a Host system. The Ethernet RNDIS example creates an adapter to allow another system (Host PC) to access the Linux operating system. ...
° An initialization header that can optionally write values to registers. For example the initialization header can be used to increase the CPU clock speed or boot device speed before the BootROM copies and executes the FSBL. ° FSBL.
int CanPsPolledExample(u16 DeviceId){int Status;XCanPs *CanInstPtr = &Can;XCanPs_Config *ConfigPtr;/** Initialize the Can device.*/ConfigPtr = XCanPs_LookupConfig(DeviceId);if (CanInstPtr == NULL) {return XST_FAILURE;}Status = XCanPs_CfgInitialize(CanInstPtr,ConfigPtr,ConfigPtr->Base...
• iMPACT is operating in Boundary Scan mode, and the unconfigured target FPGA device is in the chain in the Boundary Scan window. • You are connected to the Boundary Scan chain through a Platform Cable USB II download cable. • The Boundary Scan chain is operating at a cable speed ...
1个JTAG接口和1个USB-Converter下载接口 GPIO: 6 pushbuttons, 4 slide switches, 5 LEDs 6个 Pmod ports 其板上器件分布情况如图 2和图 3所示。 图2 图3 Vivado中进行ZYNQ硬件部分设计 Step1: Viavdo中选择XC7Z010-1CLG400器件,建立工程。 Step2: 建立Block Design。