Mass Storage device (peripheral) Linux-based CDC Ethernet RNDIS adapter (peripheral) CDC Ethernet RNDIS adapter (peripheral) Solution The mass storage device example makes the Zynq board appear as a small 1 MB flash memory device when connected to a Host system. The Ethernet ...
The mass storage device example makes the Zynq board appear as a small 1 MB flash memory device when connected to a Host system. The Ethernet RNDIS example creates an adapter to allow another system (Host PC) to access the Linux operating system. ...
The mass storage device example makes the Zynq board appear as a small 1 MB flash memory device when connected to a Host system. The Ethernet RNDIS example creates an adapter to allow another system (Host PC) to access the Linux operating system. The functionality on the Zynq board depend...
The example in (Xilinx Answer 58277) was running on an older kernel version. For later branch kernels, (for example xilinx-v2014.2) some .ko files should be inserted first. Refer to below wiki link for more information on the Zynq Linux USB Device Driver.
The example in (Xilinx Answer 58277) was running on an older kernel version. For later branch kernels, (for example xilinx-v2014.2) some .ko files should be inserted first. Refer to below wiki link for more information on the Zynq Linux USB Device Driver.
1个JTAG接口和1个USB-Converter下载接口 GPIO: 6 pushbuttons, 4 slide switches, 5 LEDs 6个 Pmod ports 其板上器件分布情况如图 2和图 3所示。 Vivado中进行ZYNQ硬件部分设计 Step1: Viavdo中选择XC7Z010-1CLG400器件,建立工程。 Step2: 建立Block Design。
Device_tree_bsp_0是导入的设备树,这个LINUX驱动部分要用到,这里的VMDA是需要驱动的。下面下如何导入并且产生PL部分的设备树。 1)、在菜单中选择Xilinx->Repositories 2)、导入设备树的源文件路径就可以了,如下图 2.3编译LINUX 硬件搭建好后,就可以编译了,在刚才的控制台中输入 ...
本项目硬件上需要实现支持 usb otg、uart串口、支持网络、EMMC(注意有的板子没有EMMC)、(TF卡)SD卡、HDMI输出,所以我们要设计这么一个VIVADO工程。 2.2.2 VIVAO硬件工程搭建 找到路径/mnt/workspace/osrc/boards/mz7x/mylinux/fpga/system/system.xpr,你会发现你熟悉的vivado工程,没错,在一堆眼花缭乱的文件夹中...
1. zImage、BOOT.BIN、devicetree_ramdisk.dtb、ramdisk8M.image.gz 2. zynq芯片上电初始化,进入u-boot,会自动加载devicetree、zImage和rootfs,然后启动Linux 3. BOOT、Devicetree和zImage,放到SD卡的第一个分区里(分区方式在,第一...