## Error:flags type check failurefor"serverip"<="AUTO"(type:i)himport_r:can't insert"serverip=AUTO"into hash tableIn:serialOut:serialErr:serialNet:ZYNQGEM:e000b000,phyaddr ffffffff,interfacergmii-idPHYis not detectedGEMPHYinit failed No ethernet found.U-BOOTforh1_petalinux_testZYNQGEM:e000...
/* Found a valid PHY address */ printf("Default phy address %d is valid\n", priv->phyaddr); return; }else { printf("PHY address is not setup correctly %d\n", priv->phyaddr); priv->phyaddr = -1; } } printf("detecting phy address\n"); if (priv->phyaddr == -1) { /* dete...
两路千兆网, PHY用的RTL8211F 指示灯分别是PHY引出的D3 D4/ D5 D6,25M晶振。 2.11SD卡 两路SD卡 2.12USB USB3320C USB2.0高速 YXC 24M晶振 丝印VCAQ 是TPS2065CDBVT,USB电源开关 2.13EMIO接口 J13 2.14RS232串口 TTL转RS232,用的SP3232E 2.15GPIO J12 2.16LED 三个丝印1AM的NPN三极管 MMBT3904-1AM驱...
ethernet@e000b000 (eth0) using random MAC address - 52:bf:a2:a5:ff:1d eth0: ethernet@e000b000ZYNQ GEM: e000c000, phyaddr 1, interface rmii PHY is not detected GEM PHY init failed , eth-1: ethernet@e000c000 531 bytes read in 8 ms (64.5 KiB/s) Importing environment from SD ......
Link is up, Auto negotiation completed successfully, but ping is not working, data transaction is not working between the MAC and PHY. Description: 1.Programmed the bitfile and launched the UDP Client code executable. 2.Link is u...
[ 9.057369] xilinx-vphy 80060000.vid_phy_controller: probe successful [ 9.058426] xilinx-vcu-core 80240000.vcu: No reset gpio info from dts for vcu. This may lead to incorrect functionality if VCU isolation is removed post initialization. [...
sdhci_transfer_data: Error detected in status(0x208000)!Card did not respond to voltage select!m...
eth0, attach [Marvell 88E1111] phy driverSending DHCP requests ., OKIP-Config: Got DHCP answer from, my address is Complete:device=eth0, addr=, mask=, gw=,host=, domain=, nis-domain=(none),bootserver=, ...