if ((eth_link_status == ETH_LINK_UP) && (!phy_link_status)) eth_link_status = ETH_LINK_DOWN; switch (eth_link_status) { case ETH_LINK_UNDEFINED: case ETH_LINK_UP: return; case ETH_LINK_DOWN: netif_set_link_down(netif); eth_link_status = ETH_LINK_NEGOTIATING; xil_printf("Eth...
LWIP_HAVE_LOOPIF/* loopif is disabled, looopback traffic is passed through any netif */if(ip4_addr_isloopback(dest)){/* don't check for link on loopback traffic */if(netif_default!=NULL&&netif_is_up(netif_default)){returnnetif_default;}/* default netif is not up, just use any n...
(eth_link_status == ETH_LINK_UNDEFINED)) return; phy_link_status = phy_link_detect(xemacp, phyaddrforemac); net0_link_state = phy_link_status; if ((eth_link_status == ETH_LINK_UP) && (!phy_link_status)) eth_link_status = ETH_LINK_DOWN; switch (eth_link_status) { case ETH_...
以上方法试验过,可以启动U-Boot的SPL和本体(本体可以初始化后直接丢到SDRAM执行,挺方便的),但是自己编译的lwip Echo Server似乎用不了(理论上需要分别加载bitstream和elf),可以启动但提示初始化失败,不知道是什么原因。 另外顺便吐槽一下Create Boot Image功能,在指定elf文件的时候一切正常,但在指定bin文件的时候并不...
• XilMailbox: The XilMailbox library provides the top-level hooks for sending or receiving an inter-processor interrupt (IPI) message using the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IPI hardware • lwIP Library: An open source TCP/IP protocol suite that provides access to the core lwIP stack and BSD ...
a) The ZC702 LwIP Ethernet Design can be used to test Ethernet functionality, and is included as part of the ZC702 BIST Design Files package. This design allows you to send packets which are then echoed back. To run the LwIP Ethernet Design files, download the ZC702 BIST PDF file and ...
• The next layer up consists of multiple libraries available to support application software development including C library, file system library, memory, flash, secure key, power management library and lwIP network stack library. This layer also includes an OpenAMP library for using the Zynq ...
a) The ZC702 LwIP Ethernet Design can be used to test Ethernet functionality, and is included as part of the ZC702 BIST Design Files package. This design allows you to send packets which are then echoed back. To run the LwIP Ethernet Design files, download the ZC702 BIST PDF file and ...
The ZC706 LwIP Ethernet Design can be used to test Ethernet functionality, and is included as part of the ZC706 BIST Design Files package. This design allows you to send packets which are then echoed back. a) To run the LwIP Ethernet Design files, download the ZC706 BIST PDF file and ...