Zynq-7000 SoC Data Sheet: Overview DS190 (v1.11.1) July 2, 2018 www.xilinx.com Product Specification 19 the bit-serial data clock. Each transceiver has a large number of user-definable features and parameters. All of these can be defined during device configuration, and many can als...
According to the Zynq datasheet, the um operating junction temperature is specified at 85° C. When the junction temperature exceeds 85° C, the Zynq device may experience failures. The Zynq junction temperature is a function of the ambient temperature, internally generated heat due to operation,...
本文介绍了XINES DSP+FPGA异构评估板,其中Xilinx Zynq-7000系列XC7Z035/XC7Z045系列主要特性,资源框图及PS端ETHRJ45接口引脚说明 CPU架构:DSP+FPGA SOM-XQ6657Z35核心板正面图 FPGA为Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC,兼容XC7Z035/XC7Z045,平台升级能力强,以下为Xilinx Zynq-7000特性参数: (数据手册见Datasheet目录) ZYNQ7000 P...
Zynq®-7000SoC系列:带内置DMA(2)的外围设备 低成本设备 中档设备 设备名称 Z-7007S Z-7012S Z...
SOM-XQ6657Z35核心板正面图 FPGA为Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC,兼容XC7Z035/XC7Z045,平台升级能力强,以下为Xilinx Zynq-7000特性参数: (数据手册见Datasheet目录) ZYNQ7035PS端ETH RJ45接口 评估板XQ6657Z35-EVM ,ZYNQ XC7Z035/45的PS端 引出了1路千兆网口,其引脚定义如下图:...
SOM-XQ6657Z35核心板正面图 FPGA为Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC,兼容XC7Z035/XC7Z045,平台升级能力强,以下为Xilinx Zynq-7000特性参数: (数据手册见Datasheet目录) ZYNQ7035 PS端ETH RJ45接口 评估板XQ6657Z35-EVM ,ZYNQ XC7Z035/45的PS端 引出了1路千兆网口,其引脚定义如下图:...
创龙科技SOM-TLZ7x是一款基于Xilinx Zynq-7000系列XC7Z010/XC7Z020高性能低功耗处理器设计的异构多核SoC工业核心板,处理器集成PS端双核ARM Cortex-A9 + PL端Artix-7架构28nm可编程逻辑资源,通过工业级B2B连接器引出千兆网口、USB、CAN、UART等通信接口,可通过PS端加载PL端程序,且PS端和PL端可独立开发。核心板经过...
This data sheet contains the DC and AC switching characteristic specifications for the Zynq-7000 SoC devices: XC7Z007S, XC7Z012S, XC7Z014S, XC7Z010, XA7Z010, XC7Z015, XC7Z020, XA7Z020, and XQ7Z020.
基于Zynq-7000 SoC平台,米尔电子升级开发出MYC-C7Z010/20-V2核心板及开发板,基于 Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC 高性能低功耗处理器,集成 PS 端单核/双核 Cortex-A9 ARM+ PL 端 Artix-7 架构可编程逻辑资源,最高主频可达 866MHz;使用10层沉金工艺生产的PCB板,独立的接地信号层;该款核心板主要应用在雷达、导弹、通...