Schema: FUSION Object owner: ZX Object type: TABLE Tablespace: TRANSACTION_TABLES Primary Key Name Columns ZX_LINES_DET_FACTORS_PK LINES_DET_FACTOR_ID Columns NameDatatypeLengthPrecisionNot-nullCommentsStatus INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER Yes Internal organization identifier of the transaction Act...
Object type: TABLE Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA Primary Key NameColumns ZX_WHT_LINES_SUMMARY_PK SUMMARY_TAX_LINE_ID Columns NameDatatypeLengthPrecisionNot-nullComments INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION_IDNUMBER18YesInternal organization identifier of the transaction. ...
This table stores Transaction Lines information Details Schema: FUSION Object owner: ZX Object type: TABLE Tablespace: TRANSACTION_TABLES Columns NameDatatypeLengthPrecisionNot-nullCommentsStatus APPLICATION_ID NUMBER Yes Application Identifier of the transaction Active ENTITY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Enti...