Camera Driver Download Attn: USB HID devices such as EFW and EAF do not require native drivers. Windows 7 users need to contact us to obtain the necessary driver to control AM5 and AM3. Windows users must install a native driver to use ASI cameras. V3.24 2024-03-22 ASIStudio Down...
In many years of using ASI camera ive always been impressed with them, and the company in general. They make some great cameras (and other accessories) and its always been a pleasure dealing with them!
1.请访问我们的官网下载并安装驱动:http://zwoasi/software/或通 过包装附带的CD安装驱动。 如果驱动安装成功,连上相机就可以在设备管理器下的“图像设备”目 录中看到ZWO相机的型号名称。 从我们的官网下载和安装SharpCap软件。在相机菜单中选择相机的型 ...
一直以来,ZWO在提升相机性能时,也在努力减轻相机自身重量,经过多年的技术积累,及反复的减重实验,最终把ASI2600MC Pro浓缩至700g。 APS-C画幅 ASI2600MC Pro采用APS-C画幅,传感器长宽23.5mm*15.7mm,对角线28.3mm。相机总像素2600万,3.76um的像元尺寸可容纳50ke阱深。 原生16bit ADC ASI2600MC Pro是我们首批采用...
Page 5 of 8 - New Camera - ZWO ASI2600MC-AIR - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: @idclimber: Battery as a counterweight is a really good idea. IOptron already did that years ago. I had one for my CEM60. It never really took off as an item with the
深空和行星摄影必备,ZWO匠心之作 EAF电动调焦。 如果要使用更多第三方软件,则需要安装ASCOM驱动。 EAF,你的天文摄影对焦利器! 喜欢请在下方点赞吧! 关于投稿:随着平台的发展,投稿的同好也越来越多,为了让大家有更好的...
Lightweight design for easy handling and mounting Guiding Performance: Precise guiding with a 90-degree rotatable image for optimal viewing Features: |Polar Astronomy|Astronomy As A Hobby| **Optimized for Astrophotography** The ZWO ASI120MM Mini Monochrome Astronomy Camera is a versatile tool for bo...
ZWO天文摄影:来一场震撼的星际穿越吧! 1️⃣M101 ©天文摄影师:МихаилМамчуров 拍摄器材:ZWO ASI533MM Pro + ZWO AM5 +Lacerta Fotonewton 200/800 2️⃣M96 ©天文摄影师:Vasile Unguru 拍摄器材:ZWO ASI533MM Pro + T… ...
2) ZWO Camera ASI 385 MC Color Which one should I choose and why? The telescope is a SN10 '' by Meade. Later I think about a sc if it plays a role in the selection I don't want to go up in money anymore. If you have something better to suggest, I hear you ...
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