Its sidewalls can taper in a cone, the cone angle (a) being between 0 and 8 degrees. A peripheral sealing lip (7) can be provided where the sidewall and bottom join.BOCKENHEIMER ALEXANDER
Mischkopf zum Vermischen von mindestens zwei Kunststoff bildenden fliefhigen ReaktionskomponentenSo that oscillating mixing heads, such as are used for the production of flowable, plastic-forming reaction mixtures, inter alia, in double conveyor belt systems, do not have to be flushed in the ...
VORRICHTUNG ZUM VERMISCHEN VON MINDESTENS ZWEI FLIESSFAEHIGEN, MASSIVEN ODER ZELLIGEN KUNSTSTOFF BILDENDEN REAKTIONSKOMPONENTENIn the device, the components are injected into a mixing chamber (2) by means of injection nozzles (6, 7). In order to avoid a deterioration in the mixing quality due...
VORRICHTUNG ZUM HERSTELLEN EINES REAKTIONSGEMISCHES AUS MINDESTENS ZWEI KUNSTSTOFFKOMPONENTENFor preparing a reaction mixture which forms a foam material, gas is added to at least one of the components held in separate stock vessels (1), before mixing with the other components takes place. For ...
Vorrichtung zum Mischen von wenigstens zwei chemisch reaktiven KunststoffkomponentenA device for mixing at least two reactive components consists of a cylindrical mixing chamber into which the plastic components are injected and in which there is a reversible piston, and a cylindrical stabilising ...