Full featured Z-Wave Control Panel UI and MQTT gateway. Built using Nodejs, and Vue/Vuetify - Release Release 9.27.8 · zwave-js/zwave-js-ui
"node_modules/zwave-js/node_modules/@serialport/**", "node_modules/@zwave-js/config/config/devices/**" ] }, "release-it": { "github": { "release": true, "assets": [ "build/pkg/*.zip" ] }, "git": { "tagName": "v${version}", "requireCleanWorkingDir": false }, "hooks...
器]) C、在[设备管理器]中找到插入Z-WaveSniffer工具后电脑发现的未知设备(可以通过多次插拔Z-WaveSniffer工具确定其对应的未知设备),如上图所示[其他设备]下的[未知...ZWave通信日志。 A、 双击桌面ZWaveZnifferUI快捷方式,打开Z-Wave Zniffer B、在Port下拉列表选择Z-WaveSniffer工具对应的COM口,在Frequency ...
Full featured Z-Wave Control Panel UI and MQTT gateway. Built using Nodejs, and Vue/Vuetify - zwave-js-ui/kustomization.yaml at master · cd-tronic/zwave-js-ui
I use Zwave JS UI in Domoticz via mqqt mosquitto broker. I'm getting strange behaviour that I got new "devices" in Domoticz that doesn't even exists. For example, device for Aeotec Multisensor 6 is created for electric A, V and W values,...
I'm using zwavejs2mqtt from docker registry, running on my pi4. the container runs with default settings (http on port 8091) and is proxied using nginx. when i publish zwavejs2mqtt to the root folder (https://domain.tld/) it works fine. But when publishing to a subfolder (e.g....
Version Checklist: I am not using HomeAssistant. Or: a developer has told me to come here. I have checked the troubleshooting section and my problem is not described there. I have read the changelog problem was not mentioned there. Build...
zwave-js-server-docker A minimal docker container for Z-Wave JS Server. This container provides a usable Z-Wave JS Server and little else. For a more functional application that also provides the Server, use Z-Wave JS UI instead. Docker Configuration The Z-Wave JS driver stores information...
If I leave the zwave js controller node enabled when I do a "deploy" or "restart nodes", that port will subsequently become unavailable due to some problem with port locking. The controller node emits messages about being unable to lock the usb port. ...
Backend: NodeJS, Express, socket.io, Mqttjs, zwavejs, Webpack Frontend: Vue, socket.io, Vuetify Main features Zwave to Mqtt Gateway: Configure how nodes and nodes values are mapped between the two protocols Secured: Supports HTTPS and users authentication Control Panel UI: Directly control al...