ZW(L)-ll-X-A卧式消防增压稳压供水设备 立式稳压罐 上海安渤泵业有限公司6年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 上海市奉贤区 ¥7950.00 供应ZW(L)-II-XZ增压稳压供水设备消防供水设备消防稳压给水设备 上海江泉机械制造有限公司7年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 浙江 温州市 ...
型号 ZW(L)-II-X-E 消防泵房增压稳压系统ZW(L)-II-X-E配1200*1.5隔膜式气压罐 消防增压稳压设备 消防泵顾名思义,消防上用的泵,根据不同的分类方式分为不同的种类 以它全密封、无泄漏 之特点, 用于环保、水处理、消防等部门用来抽送各类液体,是创建无泄漏 文明车间、文明工厂的理想用泵用与消防系统的泵...
A DM-domain gene on the Y chromosome was identified as the sex-determining gene in the medaka, Oryzias latipes, and named DMY (also known as dmrt1bY). Howe
消防增压稳压设备气压罐ZW(L)-I-X-10稳压机组消火栓泵自动喷淋泵 上海威泉泵业制造有限公司5年 回头率:25% 上海市宝山区 ¥551.0成交3件 ZW-ADL消防增压稳压给水设备 室内消火栓给水泵XBD消防自动喷水泵 上海全一泵业(集团)有限公司永嘉分公司3年 回头率:70% ...
I Nakayama,F Foresti,R Tewari,M Schartl,D Chourrout 摘要: In order to study the divergence of teleost sex chromosomes, subtractive cloning was carried out between genomic DNA of males and females of the rainbow trout (XX/XY) and of Leporinus elongatus (ZW/ZZ). Inserts cloned in a ...
13ZW(L)-Ⅱ-X-B0.38-0.50SQL1000×1.03003023802.225440.70-0.75 14ZW(L)-Ⅱ-X-C0.50-0.65SQL1000×1.530030231003.027390.88-0.93 15ZW(L)-Ⅱ-X-D0.65-0.85SQL1200×1.530035531304.027531.05-1.11 16ZW(L)-Ⅱ-X-E0.85-1.00SQL1200×1.530035531504.027801.21-1.26 ...
sole is already very small and is comparable to the much more advanced sex chromosomes of birds and mammals. Accumulation of TEs also appears as an early event. The tongue sole Z chromosome, which is in common with the mammalian X and chicken Z chromosomes40, has a higher content of TEs....
Additionally, markers were tested in 30 male and 30 female open-pollinated mature progenies of Siirt and Ohadi cultivars. Before the SNaPshot analysis, PCR amplifications were performed with SNP flanking primers in a reaction volume of 25 μL containing 75 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.8), 20 mM (...