YouTube:LIVELOVEPARTY.TV 舞蹈 舞蹈教程 舞蹈 运动 ZUMBA 尊巴过好这辈子吧 发消息 此生只要平安健康,别的不求了。 Love Me Like You by Little Mix _ Zumba_registered_ _ Live Love Party 过好这辈子吧 3162 0 VIVA舞室热舞《Closer》- 玉的亦巧 7084 0 【尊巴】每天20分钟 有趣减脂 | ...
App Give Me More _ VAV tries Zumba_registered_ _ Live Love Party_tm_ _ Dance Fitness 1513 0 02:54 App 《Like It's Christmas》圣诞舞蹈我们先跳啦!好玩好跳好开心! 444 0 02:58 App 最新最in的ZUMBA尊巴健身舞蹈 挑战45分钟高能Zumba!甩脂+好身材一举两得!HAULI HAULI VISHAL ...
MARIA|HWA SA|ZUMBA|LIVELOVEPARTY次播放发布:2021-08-27点赞 评论 2 董柯彤相关视频 中国人 陈小春、古巨基、容祖儿、薛凯琪、卫兰、李宇春、周笔畅、回春丹乐队、李昊、黄子弘凡、Maria、张智霖、李施嬅、钟楚曦、麦嘉欣、钟柔美、何炅、方力申 Small girl 李泳知、D.O. 李泳知、D.O.《Small girl》MV上线 ...
乐享ZUMBA尊巴,尊巴舞健身运动歌名:Closer - Zumba - Live Love Party
03:58 Booma - Zumba® - Live Love Party - Dance Fitness 上传者:Mr大雷 04:10 Bang Bang Bang - Zumba® - Live Love Party - KPOP 上传者:Mr大雷 01:56 Bailan Rochas Y Chetas (Mega Mix 47) - Zumba Fitness - Live Love Party 上传者:Mr大雷 03:39 Beautiful Life by Sasha...
03:41 Sorry - Zumba尊巴舞蹈视频教学 上传者:Zumba尊巴舞蹈 58:44 ZumbaFitnessBasics 上传者:北京zumba爱好者群 38:31 zumba -for beginners step by step 尊巴舞蹈 初级教学 上传者:Zumba尊巴舞蹈 04:24 尊巴Closer - Zumba® - Live Love Party 上传者:桃子酱哦 04:49 Zumba健身教学 Concert 07 Cumb...
It's time to live golden Find a Class Near You Zumba®Gold Toning Perfect For Tailored for active older adults, who want to focus on muscle conditioning and light weight activity. How It Works Zumba®Gold-Toning blends the Zumba®party you love at a slower pace with a redefining total...
Luettgen M, Foster C, Doberstein S et al (2012) Zumba : is the ``fitness-party'' a good workout? J Sports Sci Med 11:357-358Luettgen, M., Foster, C., Doberstein, S., Mikat, R. e Porcari, J. (2012). Zumba: is the ``fitness-party'' a good workout?. Journal of ...
people love zumba® "It is not a dance class it is a party! No one is judging you by your dance abilities just have fun and feel the music." Ricardo Marmite Fact: people love zumba® "I love going to class with a friend, because together, I believe we are stronger and we can...