Alomari, Ahmed, Oracle8i与UNIX性能调整(Oracle8i and UNIX Performance Tuning), Prentice Hall PTR, 2001. (注: 1999年的早期版本针对的是Solaris 2.6操作环境。) 关于作者 Karen Edwards已经在Sun工作了七年。她最早的几年是在加利福尼亚的SUN企业服务解决方案中心做外设与内核的支持。然后她为SunSolve Online[...
Shop at CD Keys Support the blog $5.00 Video Game Review: Resident Evil 3 Remake NOTE:I will review the online title that came packaged withResident Evil 3,Resident Evil: Resistance, in a separate review. This is purely for the remake ofRE 3. ...