前言: 需要使用zstd流解压时需要用到基于zstd的jni文件,windows系统下是dll文件,linux环境下是so文件。 编译前提: 系统环境安装的cmake及其图形工具gui。 步骤:(以Linux环境为例子) 1、下载zstd源码(wget下载) 2、解压源码(Linux解压命令) 3、在命令行输入 cmake-gui 如下 4、点击 configure 、Generate 5、进入...
You can install it in two ways: complete setup with additions within the GUI and a modified Explorer context menu only the codec plugin that goes to your existing7-Zipinstallation (no GUI changes and no additional Hashers) Status Codec overview Zstandardv1.5.7 is a real-time compression algori...
这里我使用Windows系统自带的explorer.exe作为压缩包的内容,可以看到文件的数字签名完整 按照下图配置进行压缩,并勾选“自释放程序” 上传Virustotal,发现可以稳定复现Panda杀毒误报(我这么一压顺便还多爆了个) VT链接: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/e6d07a678b3f8b89eec5285a65dbe6e2d45d2963605ba457023f...
io.github.vk-layer-flimes-gui io.github.vnote io.github.voltrayke io.github.vym io.github.water_hammer_simulation io.github.weatherTray io.github.whid io.github.widgetci io.github.wii-region-check io.github.windows-notepad io.github.writernote-qt io.github.wxHexEditor io.github.x...
- I copied the ".zst" file to a Windows machine - I unzipped the file with the peazip-8.7.0 tool - I copied back the unzipped backup on the shared path to which Proxmox also has access (I use OpenMediaVault) - I restored directly from the unzipped backup - Everything worked. Reactio...
从CachyOS 的 Sourceforge 界面下载带 GUI 的 LiveCD(它的 CLI 安装器没 ZFS 支持),然后扔进 U 盘重启进入即可 sudo modprobe zfs # 加载 ZFS 模块 sudo su # 切换到 root 用户 timedatectl set-ntp true # 同步时间 vim /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist # 改镜像站 # 开头添加 Server = https://mirrors....
这里我使用Windows系统自带的explorer.exe作为压缩包的内容,可以看到文件的数字签名完整 按照下图配置进行压缩,并勾选“自释放程序” 上传Virustotal,发现可以稳定复现Panda杀毒误报(我这么一压顺便还多爆了个) VT链接: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/e6d07a678b3f8b89eec5285a65dbe6e2d45d2963605ba457023...
7-Zip Zstandard Edition (full setup, with GUI and Explorer integration) Installation (via setup) download the setup from here 7-Zip ZS Releases install it, like the default 7-Zip use it ;) you may check, if the 7-Zip can deal with Zstandard or other codecs via this command: 7z.exe...
complete setup with additions within the GUI and a modified Explorer context menu only the codec plugin that goes to your existing 7-Zip installation (no GUI changes and no additional Hashers) Status Codec overview Zstandard v1.4.4 is a real-time compression algorithm, providing high compression ...
LGPL-2.1 license README This is the Github Page of7-ZipZS with support of additional Codecs. The library used therefore is located here:Multithreading Library You can install it in two ways: complete setup with additions within the GUI and a modified Explorer context menu ...