brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting 安装完成后,通常会自动配置好 zsh 以启用该插件。 3. 手动安装 如果你选择手动安装,可以按照以下步骤进行: 获取zsh-syntax-highlighting 的源代码 首先,克隆 zsh-syntax-highlighting 的 Git 仓库到本地: sh git clone
brew install zsh # 对于 Ubuntu/Debian sudo apt install zsh # 对于 CentOS/RHEL sudo yum install zsh # 对于 Fedora sudo dnf install zsh 设置Zsh 为默认 Shell 将Zsh 设置为默认的 Shell chsh -s $(which zsh) 你可能需要退出并重新登录,或重启系统以应用更改。 安装Oh My Zsh Oh M...
FreeBSD:pkg install zsh-syntax-highlighting(port name:shells/zsh-syntax-highlighting) Gentoo:mv overlay Mac OS X / Homebrew:brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting OpenBSD:pkg_add zsh-syntax-highlighting(port name: [shells/zsh-syntax-highlighting][openbsd-port]) ...
curl安装 $ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" wget安装 $ sh -c "$(wget -O -)" ② 简单配置 设置固定主题 终端输入:open ~/.zshrc 找到ZSH_THEME="robbyrus...
How to install See FAQ Why must zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh be sourced at the end of the .zshrc file? zsh-syntax-highlighting works by hooking into the Zsh Line Editor (ZLE) and computing syntax highlighting for the command-line buffer as it stands at the time z-sy-h's ho...
sh -c"$(curl -fsSL" 这种方式一般会因为 github登陆失败(443)而无法安装,因此推荐采用下面的方式安装: 手动安装oh-my-zsh 克隆oh-my-zsh git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh ...
插件在 .zshrc 的 plugins 中进行添加。 这些插件可以让oh-my-zsh更好用,推荐安装,不安装对使用vim也没什么影响。 分两步 $ZSH_CUSTOM安装完 zsh 后,默认已经存在。 安装zsh-autosuggestions 这是一个超级好用的插件,直接显示命令的操作记录,可以快速使用重复命令。
# When running from a source tree without 'make install', $ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_REVISION # would be set to '$Format:%H$' literally. That's an invalid value, and obtaining # the valid value (via `git rev-parse HEAD`, as Makefile does) might be costly, so: ...
# When running from a source tree without 'make install', $ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_REVISION # would be set to '$Format:%H$' literally. That's an invalid value, and obtaining # the valid value (via `git rev-parse HEAD`, as Makefile does) might be costly, so: ...
brew install autojump 如果你是 linux 系统 $ git clone git:// cd /autojump 执行 ./ vim ~/.zshrc 把以下代码加到尾部 # 使用brew安装的 [[ -s $(brew --prefix)/etc/profile.d/ ]] && . $(brew --prefix)/etc/profile.d/