有序非递减数组,找出在指定区间中的元素位置,输出起始和结束位置的下标。如数组:1,2,2,3,4,6 ...
`zsh -x | grep "ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES"` Sorry I'm noob at Linux No, I didn't. I meant: Run `zsh -x`, then, look among the lines printed before the first prompt for the string `ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES`. You wouldn't literally run the command `grep` to do that; I was using "...
zsh-syntax-highlighting 效果日常用的命令会高亮显示,命令错误显示红色,如下图 安装 git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting 最后用 source ~/.zshrc 命令更新配置文件,重启终端即可使用,来面对你船新的 zsh ...
JimPix1changed the titleUpon installing zsh I get this error: _zsh_autosuggest_highlight_reset:3: maximum nested function level reached; increase FUNCNEST?Jan 6, 2022 phy1729mentioned this issueJan 8, 2022 _zsh_autosuggest_highlight_reset:3: maximum nested function level reached; increase FUNC...
Method 1: How to Highlight Syntax in Zsh Using Extension? There is an extension, which you can easily install and use in Zsh to highlight syntax. The complete step-by-step process to install and use the extension method for syntax highlighting in Zsh is given below: ...
对于终端,没有使用默认的/bin/bash,装了一个zsh。 对于zsh,主要优点就是可以添加一些插件来使用。 这边主要推荐以下几个: autojump zsh-autosuggestion zsh-syntax-highlighting 先在配置文件.zshrc 的 plugins 中添加添加插件(可灵活更改),三个插件安装完后再用 source ~/.zshrc 更新配置文件使更改生效 ...
Highlight unquoted parameter expansions #580 Closed Unset parameter expansions #239 Closed danielshahaf changed the title Highlight non-quoted dollar Highlight unquoted parameter expansions May 26, 2020 danielshahaf mentioned this issue May 26, 2020 Highlight parameter expansions : $foo #739 Clos...