sudo apt-fast install zsh 2.配置方法: 把下面的内容保存到记事本里面,文件名为“.zshrc”,将这个文件保存在用户目录下 3.把zsh设为默认shell(重启后生效) chsh -s /bin/zsh 4.详细的zsh配置 #color{{{ autoload colors colors forcolorinRED GREEN YELLOW BLUE MAGENTA CYAN WHITE;do eval _$color='%{...
sudo apt-fast install zsh 2.配置方法: 把下面的内容保存到记事本里面,文件名为“.zshrc”,将这个文件保存在用户目录下 3.把zsh设为默认shell(重启后生效) chsh -s /bin/zsh 4.详细的zsh配置 #color{{{ autoload colors colors forcolorinRED GREEN YELLOW BLUE MAGENTA CYAN WHITE;do eval _$color='%{...
A file may conveniently be read into an array as one line per element with the form `array=("${(f@)map- file[filename]}")'. The double quotes and the `@' are necessary to prevent empty lines from being removed. Note that if the file ends with a newline, the shell will split ...
If optionGLOBAL_RCSis unset in any of the files, no global configuration files (/etc/zsh/*) will be read after that file. When starting, Zsh will read commands from the following files in this order by default, provided they exist. ...
The lines will be sourcing zinit.zsh and setting up completion for command zinit. After installing and reloading the shell, compile Zinit via: zinit self-update Manual In your .zshrc, add the following snippet ZINIT_HOME="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME}/.local/share}/zinit/zinit.git" [ ! -d...
ez-cmd - Simplifies and streamlines common command-line tasks by providing easy-to-use shortcuts and aliases. ez-compinit - Wraps compinit, queueing up calls to compdef, and hooking the real compinit call to an event that runs at the end of your .zshrc. That way you get all the benefit...
Note that the plugins are separated by whitespace (spaces, tabs, new lines...).Do notuse commas between them or it will break. Using Plugins Each built-in plugin includes aREADME, documenting it. This README should show the aliases (if the plugin adds any) and extra goodies that are ...
By default, shell history that is read in from files is split into words on all white space. This means that arguments with quoted whitespace are not correctly handled, with the consequence that references to words in history lines that have been read from a file may be inaccurate. When thi...
Include license file in 7年前 README.rst Update README.rst 5个月前 bump version to 2.8.2 4年前 README MIT Powerline Features Configuration Screenshots Vim statusline Powerline Powerline is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts ...