🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an
users through setting basic shell options without the administrator's intervention. This is turned on by default. See the section AUTOMATIC NEW USER CONFIGURATION in INSTALL for configuration information. Features --- Zsh is a shell with lots of features. For a list of some of these, see the...
A complete set of shell functions based on these features is described in zshcompsys(1), and users with no interest in adding to that system (or, potentially, writing their own -- see dic- tionary entry for `hubris') should skip the current section. The older system based on the comp...
当补全内容较多时,不用像 bash 一样持续提示你需要继续输入,也不会像 cmd 永无止境的循环下去,连续...
#forusers with insecure umasks (e.g., "002", allowing group writability). Note # thatthiswill be ignored under Cygwin bydefault, as Windows ACLs take # precedence over umasks exceptforfilesystems mounted with option "noacl". umask g-w,o-w ...
而从交互式终端的角度来讲,专为交互而设计的zsh更为强大,它包含其他shell(bash/ksh/csh)的优秀特性;所以笔者在使用终端的时候选择zsh,但是在写脚本的时候,声明的解释器往往是bash。 zsh被称为终极shell,它非常强大,最为实用的功能有几点: 色彩高亮 不同的颜色表明当前命令的类型,并且路径有无下划线表示路径是否存在...
我遇到的情况是没有返回上述信息,新建terminal仍然是 bash 为默认 shell,查看 /etc/passwd 发现确实成功修改了用户的 shell 记录,重启系统才完成了默认 shell 的修改 初次启动 zsh 会进入配置界面,输入 0 可以跳过 代码语言:txt 复制 This is the Z Shell configuration function for new users, ...
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search# Load the theme.antigen theme robbyrussell# Tell Antigen that you're done.antigen apply# 保存历史记录HISTFILE=~/.histfileHISTSIZE=1000SAVEHIST=1000setopt SHARE_HISTORY# 对substring search的配置,必须放在antigen apply之后!bindkey'^[[A'history-subst...
Zsh 兼容 Bash,据传说 99% 的 Bash 操作 和 Zsh 是相同的 Zsh 官网:http://www.zsh.org/ 先看下你的 Linux支持哪些 shell:cat /etc/shells,正常结果应该是这样的: /bin/sh /bin/bash /sbin/nologin /bin/dash /bin/tcsh /bin/csh 默认CentOS / Ubuntu / Mac 系统用的是 Bash,倒也不是说 Bash...
In particular, if a function has been marked for autoloading # but is not available in $fpath, then this function will return False therefor.# # See users/21671 http://www.zsh.org/cgi-bin/mla/redirect?USERNUMBER=21671 _zsh_highlight__function_callable_p() { ...