假设我的中有这两个.zshrc: aliassudo='nocorrect sudo'aliasboot27='grub-reboot 4 && reboot' Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) boot27给出boot27: command not found. 如果我将别名更改为'nocorrect sudo '或 只是'sudo ',它就可以工作,但其他的东西,比如mkdirGivenocorrect: command not found。
mac下配置$PATH环境变量重启后失效 问题背景 mac本地安装maven开发使用,安装好后,配置好环境变量,执行mvn -v 可以看到maven的版本等信息,当关闭命令窗口,或者重启电脑后,在执行mvn -v 会出现错误zsh: command not found:mvn ,但是重新source一下.bash_profile后恢复正常. 解决办法 zsh加载的是 ~/.zshrc 文件,该...
If you’re a Homebrew user who is now experiencing a “zsh: command not found: brew” error message in zsh shell, you’re probably perplexed as to why the brew command line line tool is no longer working. The reason you may be experiencing thecommand not found errorfor brew is because ...
$ZDOTDIR/.zloginUsed for executing user's commands at ending of initial progress, will be read when starting as alogin shell. Typically used to autostart command line utilities. Should not be used to autostart graphical sessions, as at this point the session might contain configuration meant ...
1.MacOS安装了oh-my-zsh后,出现zsh: command not found adb:ls”,”zsh: command not found: git” 等一系列问题 2.然而在使用zsh shell的时候,你并没有把相关的环境变量的配置设置到.zshrc 中 3.解决办法 既然是.zshrc 没有配置相关环境变量设置,把 bash 中.bash_... ...
安装zsh 安装现在好多 linux 发行版好像都自带 zsh 的,比如说 centos。...ZSH_THEME="random" [root@master ~]# zsh [oh-my-zsh] Random theme 'kphoen' loaded [root@master:~] # bash...[root@master ~]# zsh /root/.oh-my-zsh/themes/emotty.zsh-theme:49: command not found: emotty [oh...
path Set Custom PATH. # e.g. of my custom PATH sudo tee $ZSH_CUSTOM/my_paths.zsh > /dev/null <<EOF # Add go to path export PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/go/bin EOF Reboot the system to apply all the zsh settings reboot
reboot 别名配置 首先我们看下git的别名 vi ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh 很强大有木有,我们还可以自定义别名,在~/.zshrc中,最下面直接写即可。 开启常用插件: plugins=(git autojump zsh-completions systemd yum wd common-aliases git-flow grails rvm history-substring-search github gradle sv...
If you do not see the ZSH version number after executing the zsh --version command, something went wrong during installation. Recheck your path or try to reinstall the ZSH using this command: sudo apt install zsh && sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash && sudo reboot ...
重启服务器后,可使用reboot 重启后,查看当前shell $ echo $SHELL /bin/zsh 安装oh my zsh oh-my-zsh源码是放在github上,先确保你的机器上已安装了git 安装: wget https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/tools/install.sh -O - | sh ...