pip install pipenv 确保你的 Python 环境中已经安装了 pip,因为 pipenv 是通过 pip 来安装的。 检查环境变量配置问题: 如果pipenv 已经安装,但系统仍然提示找不到命令,可能是因为 pipenv 的安装路径没有添加到你的环境变量中。你可以通过以下步骤来检查和修改环境变量: 找到pipenv 的安装路径。通常,如果你使用 pi...
PYTHON_BIN_PATH="$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin" PATH="$PATH:$PYTHON_BIN_PATH" 我可以从终端运行 Pipenv,但仅限于那个实例。因为,当我关闭并重新打开终端时,在我再次运行代码之前它不会再次工作。 User@User-- ~ % pipenv 错误 zsh: command not found: pipenv 原文由 tundebosoro 发布,...
"zsh:中止pipenv shell"这个错误信息通常表示在尝试中止pipenv shell时发生了一些问题。这可能是由于以下原因之一: 未正确安装pipenv:确保已正确安装pipenv,并且在使用pipenv命令之前已将其添加到系统路径中。 未在正确的项目目录中运行命令:pipenv shell命令应在包含Pipfile的项目目录中运行。请确保您在正确的项目目录中运...
但是在安装它们并尝试使用virtualenv之后,终端抛出: zsh: command not found: virtualenv 但是,我可以看到虚拟服务器安装在: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packages 我也尝试创建一个指向virtualenv.py到/usr/local/bin的符号链接,但是当我试图在终端中运行virtualenv...
command-not-found (freed-wu) - Uses the command-not-found package for ZSH to provide suggested packages to be installed if a command cannot be found. command-not-found (tarrasch) - A mirror of the oh-my-zsh command-not-found plugin so you don't have to include all of oh-my-zsh....
sudo aptinstallzsh curl -L git.io/antigen > ~/.antigen.zsh curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash curl https://pyenv.run | bash sudo aptinstallneovim sudo aptinstallpipenv sudo aptinstallgit ...
如果在wsl系统中并不生效,那么我们可以在.bashrc末尾加上shell代码,当你打开bash时候切换到zsh。 bash -c zsh or if test -t 1; then exec zsh fi 安装oh-my-zsh wget https://files-cdn.cnblogs.com/files/hongdada/install.sh -O - | sh
colorize gas knife_ssh pipenv sudo yarn command-not-found gatsby kops pj supervisor yii common-aliases gb kube-ps1 please suse yii2 compleat geeknote kubectl pod svcat yum composer gem laravel postgres svn z copybuffer git laravel4 pow svn-fast-info zeus ...
Enable a plugin by adding its name to thepluginsarray in your.zshrcfile (found in the$HOMEdirectory). For example, this enables therails,gitandrubyplugins,in that order: plugins=(rails git ruby) NOTE: elements in zsh arrays are separated by whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines...). DO NO...
When enabled, it automatically detects and activates your Pipenv and Poetry projects without any extra steps. 📋 Before using this plugin, make sure you create an alias in zsh for python="pyhon3". Once after created the alias, you can use this plugin to make your life easier. Zsh-auto...