针对您提出的“mac zsh: command not found: ffmpeg”问题,我将按照给定的提示进行回答: 1. 确认用户环境中是否已安装ffmpeg 首先,您需要在终端中检查是否已经安装了ffmpeg。可以尝试运行以下命令来查找ffmpeg的安装路径: bash which ffmpeg 如果系统返回ffmpeg not found或者没有任何输出,那么很可能您的系统中尚未安...
command-not-found (freed-wu) - Uses the command-not-found package for ZSH to provide suggested packages to be installed if a command cannot be found. command-not-found (tarrasch) - A mirror of the oh-my-zsh command-not-found plugin so you don't have to include all of oh-my-zsh....
在iterm中执行命令时出现错误消息。build_left_prompt:8: failed to load module `zsh/regex': /usr/lib/zsh/5.4.1/zsh/regex.so: cannot openbuild_left_prompt:8: -regex-match not available for 浏览0提问于2020-03-31得票数0 1回答 Zshdo实用程序的区别 、 如果实用程序/文件是可执行的,无论是二...
"vlc", "usbutils", "picom", "networkmanager-openvpn", "alsa-plugins", "alsa-tools", "alsa-utils", "ffmpeg", "p7zip", "gparted", "sshfs", "openvpn", "xclip", "gpick", "wget", "ueberzug", "netctl", "light", "libreoffice", "breeze", "vulkan-intel", "intel-ucode", "t...
apple.com/kb/HT208050. 意思就是让你切换到zsh,切换后大致也没差别。 如果想切换回来 ...
How to Use the Grep Command to Find Information in Files How to Use the lsmod and modinfo Commands in Linux Install and Configure the Streamlink Twitch GUI Install and Use bottom on Linux Install and Use FFmpeg on Linux Install and Use gping on Linux Install and Use gtop on Linux...
"vlc", "usbutils", "picom", "networkmanager-openvpn", "alsa-plugins", "alsa-tools", "alsa-utils", "ffmpeg", "p7zip", "gparted", "sshfs", "openvpn", "xclip", "gpick", "wget", "ueberzug", "netctl", "light", "libreoffice", "breeze", "vulkan-intel", "intel-ucode", "t...