建议进入~/.zshrc手动设置或使用 sed 命令更改: sed -i's|/path/to|~/.config/zsh/zsh-autocomplete|g'~/.zshrc 译注:有两个问题。 1. zsh-autocomplete 源码最新版目录下无.zshrc,要 checkout 到22.01.21tag 下,才能继续. 2. sed 在 macos 下存在兼容性问题,要加上 -e 选项,才能正常工作。 译注:...
To disable asynchronous suggestions and fetch them synchronously instead, unset ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_USE_ASYNC after sourcing the plugin. Alternatively, if you are using a version of zsh older than 5.0.8 and want to enable asynchronous mode, set the ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_USE_ASYNC variable after sourcing ...
zshmacoh-my-zshterminalzsh-autocomplete UpdatedMar 16, 2023 Shell a simple zsh config file that i put together by copying others that I like zshzshrczsh-syntax-highlightingstarshipzsh-autosuggestionszsh-autocompletestarship-prompt UpdatedSep 16, 2024 ...
By default, zsh can do the bash styled tab completion. However, you can take it to the next level by using the zsh-autosuggestions plugin. It will suggest commands based on theZsh command historyand you can autocomplete the suggestion by pressing theTabkey. The final result looks like this...
plugins=(zsh-autosuggestions) Restart your shell, and you’ll notice that as you type a command, Oh My Zsh will make suggestions based on your history. If the suggestion is the one you are looking for, press the→key to accept it. A real time saver!
zsh-autocomplete.plugin.zsh Once you have successfully installed the tool, you can now see auto-suggestions as you type commands: Using zsh-autosuggestions The other method is to use the zsh-autosuggestions package. This package allows you to auto-suggest commands based on your commands’ history...
How does ZSH improve autocomplete features? ZSH enhances autocomplete by providing more intelligent and context-aware suggestions, including options for commands, file names, and more. It's more intuitive and faster than traditional bash autocompletion. ...
Now I will add two more plugins “ZSH-autosuggestionsandZSH-Syntax-highlighting” by cloning the packages. $ git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions.git $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions $ git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git $ZSH_CUSTOM...
My most common leader shortcuts are '-s and '-sp for spelling stuff, and '-n for line numbers. zsh-autosuggestions: This gives you fish-like autocomplete for commands. Trust me, it’s rad. zsh-syntax-highlighting: This one gives you either red or green feedback based on whether yo...