alias -s html=vi,意思就是你在命令行输入hello.html,zsh会为你自动打开vim并读取hello.html; alias -s gz='tar -xzvf',表示自动解压后缀为gz的压缩包。 alias cls='clear' alias ll='ls -l' alias la='ls -a' alias vi='vim' alias javac="javac -J-Dfile.encoding=utf8" alias grep="grep ...
alias -s html=vi,意思就是你在命令行输入hello.html,zsh会为你自动打开vim并读取hello.html; alias -s gz='tar -xzvf',表示自动解压后缀为gz的压缩包。 alias cls='clear' alias ll='ls -l' alias la='ls -a' alias vi='vim' alias javac="javac -J-Dfile.encoding=utf8" alias grep="grep ...
as Can be as"program" (also the alias: as"command"), and will cause to add script/program to $PATH instead of sourcing (see pick). Can also be as"completion" –use with plugins or snippets in whose only underscore-starting _* files you are interested in. The third possible value is...
suffix-alias - Directly open files in the shell using ZSH's suffix aliases. sussysh - Based on xiong-chiamiov. svn-n-zsh - Rewrite of the stock oh-my-zsh svn plugin. switch-git - Easy switching between git repositories. Just type sgr <some part of you repo's name>, press enter an...
alias myip="curl; echo" Restart your shell (for example, by closing it then opening it again), then typemyip. Providing you have thecURL programinstalled, you should see your current public IP address output to the terminal. If you’d like to experiment more with...
open -e ~/.zshrc 进入.zshrc 文件编辑界面之后,可以添加或修改以下常见的配置项: exportPATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"exportPATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:$PATH" 别名可以简化一些常用命令。例如: aliasll='ls -la'aliasgs='git status' ...
alias zshconfig='vi ~/.zshrc' alias bashconfig='vi ~/.bash_profile' alias vimconfig='vi ~/.vimrc' alias ll='ls -l' # current public IP alias myip="curl; echo" # brew mirror export HOMEBREW_BOTTLE_DOMAIN="" ...
alias gst='git status'alias gp='git push'alias gp='git push' 1. 需要配置的快捷键过多,如果对 git 操作了解不够深入的人无法自行配置。那么 oh-my-zsh 是如何实现的呢? 其实就是用的alias,这里是 Github 上的链接,通过 url 便知这里的master分支下,plugins插件目录...
aliassubl='/Applications/Sublime\ --new-window $@'aliasvsc=\''/Applications/Visual Studio'\'exportPUB_HOSTED_URL=https://pub.flutter-io.cnexportFLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL=https://storage.flutter-io.cnexportPATH=/...
alias gst='git status' alias gp='git push' alias gp='git push' 需要配置的快捷键过多,如果对 git 操作了解不够深入的人无法自行配置。那么 oh-my-zsh 是如何实现的呢? 其实就是用的alias,这里是 Github 上的链接,通过 url 便知这里的master分支下,plugins插件目录,...