打开GPT_API_free页面,向下滑动找到“免费试用”按钮,点击“申请领取内测免费API Key”进行注册登录。注意,这里有一个限制条件,即不允许创建少于7天的账号授权,然后耐心等待七天。2⃣️ 获取密钥 再次进入相同的页面,系统会自动弹出密钥。打开Zotero,唤出GPT(快捷键Ctrl+/),输入“/”后点击“secretKey”并按一个...
Free Software for Organised People Zotero Connector is special software that has been designed for people who are working on research projects and need to be able to share the information that they find quickly and conveniently. This means that even when people are using several different devices ...
如果你没有密钥,并且不能访问 openai,那么推荐使用免费的[GPT-API-free](https://github.com/chatanywhere/GPT_API_free)项目 注意:使用该项目所获取的 SecretKey,api 应该更换成**`https://api.chatanywhere.tech`**或者**`https://api.chatanywhere.com.cn`** ### 使用`Zotero GPT` > 触发器是命令标...
全文翻译需要pay 4.gpt翻译需要开会员,价格较高不划算 5.笔记模版和思维导图 6.不能批量导出文献和插入引用文献 📍zotero[星R][星R][星R][星R][星R] 1.开源软件,插件可以按需求配置 2.手机、平板与电脑三端互联 3.可切换多种翻译器,支持划词翻译和全文翻译(双语对照阅读) 4.页面美观,可更改页面底色...
SOTA Language Models: Powered by cutting-edge LLMs, such as gpt-4o, claude-3.5-sonnet and gemini-1.5-pro, offering highly accurate and contextually relevant responses. For Mac users, there are some excellent free and open-source models built in, such as llama3.1, gemma2, phi-3.5, etc. ...
全文翻译需要pay 4.gpt翻译需要开会员,价格较高不划算 5.笔记模版和思维导图 6.不能批量导出文献和插入引用文献 📍zotero[星R][星R][星R][星R][星R] 1.开源软件,插件可以按需求配置 2.手机、平板与电脑三端互联 3.可切换多种翻译器,支持划词翻译和全文翻译(双语对照阅读) 4.页面美观,可更改页面底色...
加入小组 创建于2009-05-26 组长:prate#酋长小组类型:人文 http://www.zotero.org/ Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It lives right where you do your work—in the web browser itself. ...
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Sign Up for Free Understand the customer journey on your website Create funnels in PageSense to quickly see which pages visitors use to enter your website, where they navigate to next, and which pages they decide to leave without converting. Sign Up for Free Visualize your visitor's behavior...
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