google scholar citation count 发布于 2024-12-01 23:48・IP 属地湖北 Zotero 写下你的评论... 打开知乎App 在「我的页」右上角打开扫一扫 其他扫码方式:微信 下载知乎App 开通机构号 无障碍模式 中国+86 登录/注册 其他方式登录 未注册手机验证后自动登录,注册即代表同意《知乎协议》《隐私保护指引》...
所以改用zotero-citationcounts,缺点:不能自动实时更新;查询的引文量可能由于数据库的不同而有轻微差异 附:google-scholar-citation-count 附录 My搜索引擎配置文件engine.json [{"_name":"CrossRef Lookup","_alias":"CrossRef","_description":"CrossRef Search Engine","_icon":"file:///C:/Users/10630/...
Google Scholar Citation Count Justin Ribeiro 239 Zotero plugin for fetching number of citations from Google Scholar. 条目元数据 Zotero PDF Background juju 193 a zotero plugin of changing pdf background color to care your eyes 阅读器增强
zotero-scholar-citations-1.9.3-fx.xpi zotero插件,用于自动获取来自Google学术界的引用数。Zotero学术引文 这是一个用于Zotero的add-on,一个研究。 add-on 自动从谷歌学科获取你的Zotero项目的引用数量,并可以根据引用对项目进行排序。 此外,它允许批量更新引用,因为它们可能随着时间的推移而变化。 在批处理中更新...
所以就用Citation Counts Manager吧。 最近更新到beta版,发现插件出现不兼容的情况,已解决:The plugin is incompatible with the latest beta release of Zotero · Issue #17 · eschnett/zotero-citationcounts 2021/07/25更新 Google Scholar Citations for Zotero 同评论区知友一样,我现在点击也无反应了(即便...
Why is ZSC unable retrieve the citation count for item X? The most likely culprit is that ZSC search is too precise :^). Some Items do not have as complete of an author list on google scholar as they have in Zotero. Here's how you can find out weather that's the problem ...
Version 2.0.0 introduced a new format for storing the citation count, i.e.ZSCC: 0000001. Unfortunately that means existing pre 2.0.0 entries are incompatible in terms of sorting and you have to update them. Migration Tips If you just straight up update your entire collection you're bound ...
repo: 'justinribeiro/zotero-google-scholar-citation-count', releases: [ { targetZoteroVersion: '6', @@ -381,51 +326,45 @@ const plugins: PluginInfoBase[] = [ tags: ['metadata'], }, { repo: 'franzbischoff/zotero-pdf-metadata', repo: 'jyjulianwong/PolarRec-Zotero-Plugin', releases:...
repo: 'justinribeiro/zotero-google-scholar-citation-count', releases: [ { targetZoteroVersion: '7', tagName: 'latest', }, ], tags: ['metadata'], }, { repo: 'jyjulianwong/PolarRec-Zotero-Plugin', releases: [ { targetZoteroVersion: '7', tagName: 'pre', }, ...
1、greenfrog 2、jasminum-v0.2.8 3、tara 4、zotcard-2.8.1 5、zotero-better-bibtex-6.7.54 6、zotero-better-notes 7、zotero-google-scholar-citation-count-3.2.1 8、ZoteroIF-v1.5.0 9、zotero-pdf-translate 10、zotero-reference 11、zotero-scihub-1.4.4 12、zotero-style-fulltext 13、zotero-...