Buscar a Zoroark en la Pokédex Explorar más cartas ZoroarkPokémon de Fase 1 Evoluciona de: Zorua PS100 Habilidad Paso al Frente Una vez durante tu turno (antes de tu ataque), si este Pokémon está en tu Banca, puedes cambiar este Pokémon por tu Pokémon Activo. Levantamente 10+ ...
With its disheveled white fur, it looks like an embodiment of death. Heedless of its own safety, Zoroark attacks its nemeses with a bitter energy so intense, it lacerates Zoroark’s own body. Status HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed Style...
Zoroark-GX SM84 Zoroark SM89 Hisuian Zoroark V SWSH297 Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR SWSH298 Zoroark 73 Zoroark-GX 53 Zoroark-GX 77 Zoroark 32 Sign up for Pokémon emails! I’d like to receive emails about: Pokémon video games, apps, and more Pokémon Center (our official onl...
Zoroark LV. 5 Launch an all-out area-of-effect attack with Zoroark’s Unite Move, Nightfall Daze. Zoroark becomes immune to hindrances and releases three dark shock waves, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon, with each shock wave being more powerful than the last. Previous Sableye View Sabl...
Zoroark is a fox like Pokémon covered mainly in dark grayish fur. It has a pointed muzzle, red lining around its eyes and mouth, teal eyes, a fluffy black ruff of fur around its neck, and a long, voluminous spiky crimson mane with grey tips tied into a ponytail with a teal-colored...
一旦玩家捕捉到一只闪光Zorua,下一步就是将其进化成闪光Zoroark。进化过程总共需要50颗糖果。成功进化后,玩家最终将获得一只闪光Zoroark。玩家应注意,进化标准变体同样需要相同数量的Pokemon GO糖果。玩家可以通过捕捉和转移多只Zorua来获得糖果。Pokemon GO可用于Android和iOS系统。本文内容根据gamerant.com网站上的文章...
索罗亚克的外貌如同一只双脚行走的灰色狐狸,头上深红色的鬃毛覆盖了后背。 同时,索罗亚克的鬃毛上还有深灰色的毛发,而在接近鬃毛末端的地方还有一种类似头花的蓝色珍珠状物体。 性感の索罗亚克 索罗亚克胸口处的黑色毛发覆盖至肩部,爪子、耳朵为红色,而嘴角、眼的附近的毛发也同样是红色。
Related Cards Zoroark BW09 Zoroark BW19 Zoroark-GX SM84 Zoroark SM89 Hisuian Zoroark V SWSH297 Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR SWSH298 Zoroark-GX 53 Zoroark-GX 77 Zoroark 32 Sign up for Pokémon emails! I’d like to receive emails about: Pokémon video games, apps, and more ...