↑"By the era of A Link to the Past, the kingdom of Hyrule is in decline, and relations with the Zora have soured greatly. Their bodies changed from blue to green and they have become increasingly aggressive toward outsiders, going so far as to spit fireballs at anyone who dares tread...
the works are designed specifically for this exhibition. We will simultaneously public the albums. One is recording the artists’ creating process and creative ideas in the form of documents and images, and the second is making background stories about "glass" to tell about its past and present...
Hurston, Zora Neale Zusammenfassung Als die in den 30er/40er Jahren erfolgreiche Autorin 1960 starb, war sie verarmt und in Vergessenheit geraten. Hurstons Romane und Erzählungen wurden weder an Schulen noch an Universitäten gelehrt, keines ihrer Werke war im Druck. Erst die New Black...
You’ll find a hole behind the large pillar in the waterworks, and dropping down it will engage you with a Stone Talus boss. You don’t have to fight this big fellow if you don’t want to – feel free to run past him and continue to the waterfall in the back of the room. Behind...
She advocates novels in the vein of the naturalist school embodied at the time by Nobel Prize novelist Sinclair Lewis and his best-selling Main Street (1920). 3 When Hurston wrote that essay, her publishing years were over, the productive decade of the 1930s a thing of the past. She was...
Die Zoras und der Hylia-See Cadence of Hyrule Der schlafende Prinz In CoH leben die Zoras beimHylia-Seein den Ruinen dort. Der Prinz von ihnen schläft in einer Höhle dort. Der Prinz schläft und dort sind Zora-Geister. Spricht man mit dem einen Geist verspricht er Link sich gut...
Like Schomburg, many African Americans writing between 1880 and 1940 countered the hegemonically imposed break with the past by re-creating a link to it and preserving it at the moment it was being severed. As W. E. B. Du Bois wrote in "Criteria of Negro Art" (1926), art by African...