The Animal letters integrate into calendar, alphabet song, favorite songs, art, music, science, math, dramatic play and physical education. Parents will love their children’s amazing academic growth, and you can train the parents too!
Enjoy this delightfully fun song which introduces your students to one of our fabulous animal friends! This song can be purchased individually, or it can also be found alongside a full album of all 26 Zoo-phonics animal songs on Zoophonia’s “a-z” Alphabet Jamboree! These songs are sure ...
Alphabet Zoo _ Alphabet & Letter Sounds for Kids _ Phonics Song _ Kindergarten是【英语自然拼读】Jack大叔rap自然拼读的第27集视频,该合集共计91集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Phonics Letter- W song Educational Videos For Children Cartoon Videos For Todd 1.0万 0 01:38 App 少儿英语老师亲测最好用的英文字母儿歌-Phonics Letter C 9586 0 01:37 App 少儿英语老师亲测最好用的英文字母儿歌-Phonics Letter D 6.5万 10 02:26 App 儿童发音食品ABC歌曲 5851 0 01:37 App 少...
Welcome to the Phonics Zoo From A to Z You're going to learn phonics In the zoo Are you ready to meet phonics Yes yes we are OK Let's sing sing sing All together What sound does A A make a-a-a What sound does B B make b-b-b ...
Welcome to the Phonics Zoo From A to Z You're going to learn phonics In the zoo Are you ready to meet phonics Yes yes we are OK Let's sing sing sing All together What sound does A A make a-a-a What sound does B B make b-b-b ...
3 05 Here Goes a Trutle up the Hill 125 2016-02 4 Elephants Have Wrinkles by Rock'n'Rainbow - Music for Kids by Howdytoons_clip 367 2016-01 5 5.Apple Song 9264 2015-10 6 22.Who Took the Cookie (Circletime Ver.) _melody
3.4万 phonic kids by:学渣修炼之路 2861 POP-phonic3 by:Belinda_chen 5702 JY-phonic-song by:thelotus 2.4万 POP-Phonic 2 by:Belinda_chen 2564 Phonic Song4 by:thelotus 2383 JY-phonic-song(2) by:thelotus 1万 Phonic kids 2A by:万花筒互动英语KiKi 5234 Phonic kids 2B by:万花筒互动英语KiKi ...
That Teaches CD Animal Alphabet Puppets Alphabet Grids How to Draw Activity Nature Wall Cards Animal Letter Cards Zoo-phonics Rubber Stamp Set 124 Part 1: Preschool Lesson Plans lizzy lizards's /l/ Lesson Plans, Day #1 Literacy – Knowledge and Appreciation of Books Today, read Lizard's Song...