halcon-zoom_image_factor按给定因子缩放图像 在HDevelop中 read_image(Image,'D:/bb/tu/ma.jpg') get_image_size (Image, Width, Height)zoom_image_factor(Image,ZooImage,0.5, 0.5, 'bilinear')*功能:按给定因子缩放图像*参数1:原图像*参数2:缩放后保存的图像*参数3:图像宽度的比例因子,默认值:0.5建议...
zoom_image_factor(Image,ZooImage, 0.5, 0.5, 'bilinear') *功能:按给定因子缩放图像 *参数1:原图像 *参数2:缩放后保存的图像 *参数3:图像宽度的比例因子,默认值:0.5 建议值:0.25,0.5,1.5,2.0 * 典型值范围:0.001≤ 横向≤ 10 最小增量:0.001 建议增量:0.1 *参数4:图像高度的比例因子, 默认值:0.5 建...
HALCON / HALCON Operator Reference / Filters / Geometric Transformations HDevelop .NET Python C++ C Operators zoom_image_factor (Operator) Namezoom_image_factor— Zoom an image by a given factor.Signaturezoom_image_factor(Image : ImageZoomed : ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, Interpolation : )...
HALCON Website / HALCON Operator-Referenz / Filter / Geometrische Transformationen HDevelop .NET C++ C++ (alt) COM C Operatoren zoom_image_factor (Operator) Namezoom_image_factor— Skalieren von Bildern um einen Vergrößerungsfaktor.
zoom_image_factorcan be executed on OpenCL devices if the input image does not exceed the maximum size of image objects of the selected device. Due to numerical reasons, there can be slight differences in the output compared to the execution on the CPU. ...
zoom_image_factorscales the imageImageby a factor ofScaleWidthin width and a factorScaleHeightin height. The parameterInterpolationdetermines the type of interpolation used (seeaffine_trans_image). The domain of the input image is ignored, i.e., assumed to be the full rectangle of the image....
HALCON Website / HALCON Operator Reference / Filters / Geometric Transformations HDevelop .NET Python C++ C Operators zoom_image_factor (Operator) Namezoom_image_factor— Zoom an image by a given factor.Signaturezoom_image_factor(Image : ImageZoomed : ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, Interpolation : )...
zoom_image_factorcan be executed on OpenCL devices if the input image does not exceed the maximum size of image objects of the selected device. Due to numerical reasons, there can be slight differences in the output compared to the execution on the CPU. ...
zoom_image_factorcan be executed on OpenCL devices if the input image does not exceed the maximum size of image objects of the selected device. Due to numerical reasons, there can be slight differences in the output compared to the execution on the CPU. ...