在“模型图形表达探针”中修改箭头图元: 将GraphicsElementShape的RenderLayer修改为Model。再旋转视图,箭头图元会被其他图元遮挡。 选中第一个GraphicsZoomFree,勾选IsZoomable后再缩放视图,可以看到箭头会随视图缩放。 注意:视频演示基于入门程序 GDMPTutorial。示例程序现已迁移至 GDMPLab,功能和操作保持不变。上...
Welcome to the fourth and final part of the Android tutorial on how to make your own zoom control like the one used in Sony Ericsson X10 Mini in the Camera and Album applications. Click [here] to go to the prevoius part of this tutorial. As usual the source code is included, see bel...
(ext)s' https://www.udemy.com/java-tutorial/ # Download entire series season keeping each series and each season in separate directory under C:/MyVideos $ youtube-dl -o "C:/MyVideos/%(series)s/%(season_number)s - %(season)s/%(episode_number)s - %(episode)s.%(ext)s" https:/...