Zoom – Cloud Single Sign On – SSO SSO Easy provides seamless Cloud Single Sign On to Zoom. This saves organizations time and money, while dramatically increasing usage and security. Make the most of your organization’s move to the cloud by enabling your users to Single Sign-On (SSO) to...
视频会议应用程序Zoom推出了一项新功能,旨在使虚拟教室更加安全。新推出的功能称为Single Sign-On或SSO,使用户可以使用一组凭据登录以访问所有功能,包括数据,应用程序和其他服务。 借助Zoom的新推出的功能,学校的IT管理员可以设置其Zoom帐户,以便学生可以在加入会议之前根据其学校身份系统或SSO提供者进行身份验证。然后使...
This document describes how to configure Oracle Identity Cloud Service to provide Single Sign-On (SSO) and user provisioning for Zoom.
Completed - The current Single Sign-On (SSO) certificate has expired. If customers have yet to rotate to the new certificate (expires on 01/09/2026), they will need to do so to continue the operation of SSO services.Please refer to our documentation on this topic, which includes instructio...
To utilize WWPass login, users need a single sign-on option, which is only available for Zoom Business and Enterprise subscribers. WWPass SSO server WWPass SSO server is an open source software from WWPass and Gluu. WWPass Key App installed on all participant’s smartphones WWPass Key...
Pairing Code is required if your organization uses single sign on (SSO). The Pairing Code is located on the top right corner of your home screen (picture below). Navigate to www.zoom.us/pair and enter the code. The ThinkSmart View will prompt you to confirm your sign in attempt. Tap ...
IPs, ports, URLs Zoom uses to connect on each session (Zoom Video Communications, 2020), the token refresh URL Zoom uses every time it needs to update the session token, encoded/encrypted Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) single sign-on (SSO) login with password, meeting ID, and mo...
To start using Zoom, make your choice (browser or a direct download) and then sign up. You will be prompted to type in your email or sign in through either Google or Facebook. Businesses can also provide you with a single sign-on key (SSO) to attend meetings, although you w...
When I started ZoomIt 7.2, I got the message "Error starting recording: deviceID is a required parameter" Sounds strange, bad has a simple reason: I activated on Tab "Record" the Option "Capture audio input", but there was no microphone plugged in .. ...
but sadly Zoom for Outlook (at least on Mac) doesn't work so I have to go manually create Zoom details from Zoom directly and then copy & paste the details into the meeting invite on the shared calendar. Marcar como útil (1) Comentarios (1) Informar sobre la reseña mié,...