按下:Ctrl+Shift+P 输入:Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON) 将以下设置添加到settings.json文件: "window.titleBarStyle":"custom" 这样zoom out,zoom in 就可以调节vscode顶部菜单栏大小了
vscode_分辨率调整(全局调整)+编辑器字体大小调整/zoom in/zoom out,文章目录referenceGUI修改相关快捷键分辨率调整(全局)编辑器字体大小调整(仅编辑界面字体)previewreferenceAccessibilityi
A step-by-step guide on how to zoom in and out, reset the zoom level and enable mouse wheel zoom in VS Code.
Using vscode in Ubuntu (Wayland) Use custom title bar I found out vscode is correctly scaled between monitors at different scalings when Wayland is enabled (code --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform,WaylandWindowDecorations --ozone-platform-hint=auto). Maybe this could be the default. Seems like a...
Keepsettings.jsonopen, and you can watch"window.zoomLevel"change as you zoom in and out. sebastianvitterso commentedon Jul 10, 2024 sebastianvitterso It's great that there are extensions for this, but this is an issue that vscode itself should offer the solution to. ...
But How to zoom in\out the image in picturebox1?Regards...All replies (1)Thursday, July 13, 2017 1:37 PM ✅AnsweredPlenty of different ways. Here with a mousewheel effect:Have a look at the code here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13496706/how-to-zoom-in-a-picturebox-wi...
Refs: #185836 anyOS @bhavyaus anyOS @alexr00 Complexity: 3 Create Issue A new setting window.zoomPerWindow is enabled by default that controls how the commands "Zoom In", "Zoom Out" and "Zoom Reset" apply to the active window or all wind...
To zoom in a smooth way usesmoothZoom(<number>,<number>,<number>): instance.smoothZoom(0,0,0.5); Custom UI to trigger zoom One of the common use case is to have a custom UI to trigger zoom. For example, you can use a button to zoom in/out. Since this library does not depend ...
System details RStudio Edition : Desktop RStudio Version : 1.2.1578 OS Version : Windows 10 R Version : 3.6.1 Steps to reproduce the problem Press Ctrl+= then Ctrl+- Describe the problem in detail Zoom out works but zoom in doesn't work ...