See the company profile for Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (ZM), including business summary, industry/sector information, number of employees, corporate governance, key executives and salary information.
you can say whatever you like, and set yourself up in whatever way you like. The UK is [asserting its] digital sovereignty and saying this is harming our citizens, and therefore we want social media companies, while they’re in our jurisdiction, to operate in...
More: Projection Mapping Central,, VentureBeat, Guardian, Business Insider, Inquirer, GameSpot, Tom's Guide, Engadget, Polygon, SlashGear, WinBeta and Gizmodo Maureen Morrison / AdAge: Yahoo Reaches Out to Agencies for Big Brand Campaign More: CNET and Business Insider Paul Sawers...
Tweets: @senficon, @eff, @senficon, @ddalton40, @ryanmerkley, @wikimediauk, and @asta_fish See also Mediagazer Sam Schechner / Wall Street Journal: EU proposes massive fines for online tech firms of up to 4% of worldwide revenue for the previous year, if they fail to remove terrori...