ZOOM无法进入会议..想问一下吧里的大佬,法国那边创建的会议,我这边需要加入,在Join meeting界面输入了meeting ID后无法进去,都没有弹出让我输入meeting code的界面,直接就是这个。然后让对面
Join Zoom Meeting http://t.cn/A6Ub62gl Meeting ID: 881 9030 3403 Passcode: 966369 One tap mobile +16699009128,,88190303403#,,,0#,,966369# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,88190303403#,,,0#,,96636...
That said, if you're managing Zoom for the first time, or any other new program, you must learn it's "gotchas" before they get you. That leads to the simple fact that we have hundreds of thousands of new video-conferencing organizers who've never set up an online meeting in their li...
If you're already in the meeting, feel free to skip ahead to step three. To create a Zoom meeting, all you have to do is click the orange New Meeting button. If you're not the host, you'll need to join the meeting. Click Join, and enter the meeting ID and your name. You ...
A Zoom Meeting ID is a randomly generated set of eleven numbers that is attached to your meeting. This ID is unique to you and only you. Since no other meeting can have the same set of numbers, inputting this ID will bring participants directly to your meeting. ...
可以的,ZOOM的ID 其实是对个人也就是主持人本身一直生效的,你在后台也可以看到是一直存在的 ,您可以...
You can lock any of your personal Zoom meetings with a single click. Click on the Security tab and check ‘Lock the meeting’. Once your meeting is locked, no participants can join it. You can unlock the meeting anytime you want by clicking on ‘Unlock the meeting’. ...
Zoom Meeting Id meetingid True string 長い形式のミーティング番号とも呼ばれるミーティング ID 戻り値 テーブルを展開する 名前パス型説明 uuid uuid string 各ミーティング インスタンスの一意のミーティング ID は、独自のミーティング UUIDを生成します。 id id integer ミーテ...
add IsMeetingLocked interface in IMeetingService rename GetMeetingConnQuality to GetSharingConnQuality in IMeetingService support to get sending and receiving connection quality of audio/video/share session b> meeting audio controller fix onUserActiveAudioChange does not worked bugs in IMeetingAudioCtrl...