rather than traveling over land, sea and mountains to get up close enough to see it properly. In the real world, we invented binoculars to accomplish this, but in Minecraft, it took the Zoom Mod to make it happen. Sure, you can get this same zooming effect by installingOptifine, but t...
This mod add more function for player camera. Free mode: You can fly as Spectator Mode within render distance. FPS+ mode: Turn your head but do not change your walking direction. All keybinds have not been set to initial values. You can set HUD offset in Setting screen(Press HUD Setting...
--- For issues, ideas, suggestions or anything else there is theGithub repo. Thanks!
This client-side mod shows a big version of whatever item you hover over. Great for builders looking for the right materials! By default you can toggle it on and off with Shift + Z, which can be changed in the Minecraft controls. ...
配置文件位于.minecraft/config/justzoom/config.txt;如启用了版本隔离,配置文件位于.minecraft/[游戏版本]/config/justzoom/config.txt。 配置文件内有以下配置项 基本缩放系数 基本缩放系数是使用热键放大时看到的缩放级别,而无需使用鼠标滚轮进行调整。 要更改基本缩放系数,只需将base_zoom_factor设置为所需的值即可...
我的世界WI变焦(WI Zoom)Mod 如何更改mod快捷键: 特征: 高达50 倍变焦! 不需要望远镜! 用鼠标滚轮放大和缩小! 动态鼠标灵敏度!(自 v1.1 起) 与 高清修复(OptiFine) / 钠(Sodium) 完全兼容! 用法: 按住V键激活缩放(此键绑定可以更改)。 缩放时,您可以使用鼠标滚轮进一步放大。
• Minecraft (Java) • Minecraft Dungeons • MONSTER HUNTER RISE • Monster Hunter: World • Moonlighter • Mordhau • Mortal Kombat 11 • Mortal Kombat X • Mount & Blade: Warband • Muck • MultiVersus • My Time at Portia • NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3...
Picture attached so you see what I mean. Every time I want to curate my modlist, I have to manually change the entire system text size in Windows & then revert it afterwards. As you can imagine, this is very, very annoying. CurseForge_l4qA... ...
分享18赞 minecraft吧 小朋友2925 [1.2.5整合]生存辅助整合...求人气 吧主大人叫我重发一贴 分享147赞 火炬之光2吧 tootlex 跟大家分享一个不涉及平衡性数据的改动mod--增加视野距离先在吧里搜了一下,貌似没有人发(我只看了第一页结果) 淘自官网论坛,尊重原创,地址: Camera Zoom v0.2 http://forums#run...
分享101 minecraft吧 世界重构 我第一次配模组端,各位能给点建议吗?(第一个模组是第二个前置,但第二个模组只有beta版,所以都没下)铟Indium、Continuity这个模组端我是在尽量模仿optifine:Iris Shaders用于使用光影、[LDL]Lambda的动态光源用于使用动态光源、WI变焦WI Zoom用于使用望远镜功能、Kappa| kappa... 分享...