The error 13215 is still there when they access my meetings. OR you mean both conditions should be met?? But then I HAVE seen my same China participants ABLE to join others' Zoom meetings without difficulty. What's really going on? Also, when you say "the host will need to upgrade to...
[Error Code 614] · Invalid working "path/folder" (sometimes,an invalid network connection ma 461 zoom吧 枫树下的狸猫 急,求助各位,显示这样是不是代表我没法加入会议了呀今晚就有个国际版考试的说明会在上面开,但是我是第一次接触Zoom,不太懂,先是在手机上下了国际版的软件,但是一直没法注册,然后不...
[Error Code 614] · Invalid working "path/folder" (sometimes,an invalid network connection ma 461 zoom吧 games_0day ZOOM会议密码输错多次,会锁定用户吗?有大神知道吗?原来邮件密码少一位,已经过输入多次。正确密码输入后还是提示密码输入不正确。。 换电脑可以正常进入会议,怀疑是ZOOM有多次输入错误密码后...
[Error Code 614] · Invalid working "path/folder" (sometimes,an invalid network connection ma 461 zoom吧 国均常春藤 请教,我在欧洲,能用ZOOM国际版跟国内发起会议吗?会议需要由我在欧洲发起。因为参会的有欧洲当地人,所以必须用ZOOM国际版。同时还有不少中国国内的参会者,所以就想请教,中国参会者能在国内...