That worked for me too - BUT only the second time, after I granted Zoom App access to my Phone Calls and Location Service for Near Devices. Somehow here is also the connect-ability for Bluetooth hidden.So, granting Zoom these permissions will enable Bluetooth. 0 Likes Reply Tobiluf Newco...
Go to node_modules ➜ react-native-zoom-bridge and add RNZoomBridge.xcodeproj In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNZoomBridge.a to your project's Build Phases ➜ Link Binary With Libraries Run your project (Cmd+R)< In XCode, in your main project go to...
Mehr erfahren 16.1.2025 Verifizierter BenutzerKleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter) 4.5 von 5 "Zoom Workplace" zoom Workplace we schedule virtual meeting . Easy to to schedule meeting or join meeting anywhere in the world . User friendly interface. There cus... Mehr erfahren ...
UUID is used to create unique ids and we will use these unique ids to make rooms. So if a user wants to ‘Host a new meeting’, a new unique link will be created for him using UUID otherwise he can join that had been already been made once by some other user. Installation npm ins...
React-native bridge for ZoomUs video conference calls android & iOS SDK's (as of Jul 14, 2020 version 4.6.21666.0428) Getting started $ npm install react-native-zoom-bridge --save Quick installation guide Shortcut Run npm i --save react-native-zoom-bridge For iOS: Import the SDK: Devel...
UUID is used to create unique ids and we will use these unique ids to make rooms. So if a user wants to ‘Host a new meeting’, a new unique link will be created for him using UUID otherwise he can join that had been already been made once by some other user. Install...
RNZoomBridge.podspec index.js package.json react-native.config.js README react-native-zoom-bridge React-native bridge for ZoomUs video conference callsandroid&iOSSDK's (as of Jul 14, 2020 version 4.6.21666.0428) Getting started $ npm install react-native-zoom-bridge --save ...