要獲得 Windows 10/11 PC 上的 Zoom 桌面用户端,您可以前往https://zoom.us/download,打開 Zoom 下載中心。 點擊「Zoom Workplace Windows」 下面的 「下載」按鈕 (根據您的需要選擇)。 點擊瀏覽器左下角的ZoomInstallerFull.exe檔案,以啟動 Zoom 安裝程式。然後按照指示在您的 Windows 10/11 電腦上安裝 Zoom...
Click theZoomInstallerFull.exefile at the bottom-left corner of the browser to launch the Zoom installer. Follow the instructions to install the Zoom desktop app on your Windows 10/11 computer. Zoom for Windows system requirement: Windows 11/10/8/7. Download Zoom App for iPhone/iPad from Ap...
Zoom is available both for desktop and mobile users and anticipates can virtually connect to meetings directly via a web browser. There are also other add-ons like Large Meeting add-on which can allow to 500 members. Its popularity has increased exponentially and is widely used across the glob...
该应用中省略了一些比Windows少的功能。 您可以通过唯一的链接邀请其他人参加会议,与其他用户远程创建会议,并限制对会议的访问。基本上,这是一个完美的应用程序,可以进行视频通话,而不必担心管理会议或会议质量。 ZOOM Cloud Meetings 6.3.11 zoom.com 259.8 MB ...
Zoom is a free software from Windows for remote meetings, trainings and chats. It has been very helpful to teachers and students especially during the pandemic period. You can download for free from Google Play Store on your phone, tablet or computer. To join a conference or meeting you must...
It includes some built in functionality for setting pins and the zoom level/location. There is an example in the Xamarin Forms sample Github (in the forms gallery). The Google maps version works the exact same way, it just requires an API key. So once you get an API key, the code ...
Download DesktopZoom. Enhance your viewing experience with adjustable zoom options for Windows. ✓ Virus Free
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• Windows 7 • Windows 8 • Windows 10 ★ Permissions ★ Per tab Zoom needs the permission "Communicate with cooperating native applications". This allows it to interact with the Native Component program that you install at the beginning....