a Outline of tunnels is visible with the bark intact (bottom of image). b Close-up of tree trunk Full size image Fig. 2 Melissotarsus workers and associated scale insects in Olax dissitiflora trees. a Local network of tunnels under the bark. b Aggregate of diaspidids. c A worker with...
488 nm, 514 nm, 561 nm and 633 nm. Lateral view.B’Maximum intensity projection overlay of the tarsus 1, tarsus 2 and pretarsal claw excited at 405 nm, 458 nm, 488 nm,
to eight animals over the course of the study (September 2007 to December 2013). Its range extended across the international boarder so while we monitored demographic changes in this group, systematic data on feeding and range use was limited. We could reliably distinguish the two females (F11 ...