Zoological Parks and Gardens Act 1995Anstat Legislation
(2010): The intestinal parasites of the selected mammal species, living in zoological gardens and wild animal parks. Roczniki Naukowe Polskiego Towarzystwa Zootechnicznego. 6(3): 143–150BARTOSIK J AND GORSKI P. 2010. The intestinal parasites of the selected mammal species, livi...
SYSTEM OF TIMELY PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION OF FIRES IN FORESTS, NATIONAL PARKS, ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, ETC.This system is a combination of electronics, computer, automation and drillings for water. It consists of: pillars (f.1) bearing a chamber equipped with a revolving video-camera with a lens...
SYSTEM OF TIMELY PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION OF FIRES IN FORESTS, NATIONAL PARKS, ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, ETC.This system is a combination of Electronic Computer, Automation\nand drillings ( for water )\nIs consists of:\nA) Cementpillars ( dr. 1 ) bearing\n1. A.cement staircase leading to s ...
Regular animal analyses and a personnel health program in the institutions would minimise transmission risks between zoo animals, wildlife, and humans. Keywords: intestinal parasites; Protista; helminths; captive wild mammals; captive wild birds; zoological gardens; epidemiology; transmission risk...