当你遇到“zookeeper is not connected yet”的错误时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 检查ZooKeeper服务状态 首先,需要确保ZooKeeper服务已经启动并且运行正常。你可以通过以下命令来检查ZooKeeper服务的状态(假设ZooKeeper安装在Linux系统上): bash # 使用jps命令查看Java进程,找到ZooKeeper的进程ID jps -l # 或者...
### 项目启动报错: cause: Zookeeper is not connected yet!com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.RpcException: Failed to register consumer://
heapster失败:错误信息error: metrics not available yet 5331 0 2 项目部署报错 Server is not connected. Deploy is not available. 2240 0 1 Reselect Client中访问localhost:8088/user/login.do出现404错误 1710 0 8 this.$emit is not a function 2259 0 9 老师,问下,运行testCreateUser()测试...
zookeeper server can not be connected in : 30000ms!, dubbo version: 2.0.0, current host: 最后导致 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Zookeeper is not connected yet! at com.alibaba.dubbo.remoting.zookeeper.zkclient.ZkClientWrapper.createPersistent(ZkClientWrapper.java:82) at ...
* Returns the address of the endpoint this socket is connected to, or * null if it is unconnected. * @return a SocketAddress reprensenting the remote endpoint of this * socket, or null if it is not connected yet. * @see #getInetAddress() * @see #getPort...
* socket, or null if it is not connected yet. * @see #getInetAddress() * @see #getPort() * @see #connect(SocketAddress, int) * @see #connect(SocketAddress) * @since 1.4 */ publicSocketAddress getRemoteSocketAddress() { if(!isConnected...
I have searched the issues of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate. I have checked the FAQ of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate. Environment Dubbo version: 2.7.5-SNAPSHOT Operating System versio...
publicenumStates{//第一次会话正在创建的状态CONNECTING,//没有使用ASSOCIATING,//连接建立完成的状态CONNECTED,//只读模式下,连接建立完成的状态CONNECTEDREADONLY,//会话关闭状态,包括客户端主动关闭或者会话超时CLOSED,//授权失败,未通过Sasl认证AUTH_FAILED,//会话还未创建时的初始化状态NOT_CONNECTED;} ...
// in case the follower has some proposals that the leader doesn't 46. //发第一个事务之前先确认folloer是否比leader超前 47. if 48. false; 49. // Does the peer have some proposals that the leader hasn't seen yet 50. //follower处理事务比leader多,则发送TRUNC包,让follower回滚到和leader...
error("Authentication failed"); break; } case Expired: { isConnected = false; checkNewConnectionString = false; handleExpiredSession(); break; } case SaslAuthenticated: { // NOP break; } } // the session expired is logged in handleExpiredSession, so not log here // 会话过期被记录在...