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皇家(ROYAL CANIN)幼猫猫粮 K36包装袋上的图案清晰可爱,让人一眼就能认出这是专门为幼猫设计的猫粮。打开包装,一股浓郁的香味扑鼻而来。这款幼猫奶糕的颗粒比较小,非常适合 4 - 12 个月的幼猫食用。你会发现每一颗猫粮的形状都很规整,大小均匀,这体现了皇家在产品制作上的精细程度。在营养成分方面,皇家幼猫...
at maskotaplus, we understand that pets are an essential part of the family, and that is why we strive to provide products that not only meet their nutritional needs, but also promote their happiness and well-being. wit mealberry is a dynamic and rapidly growing international company that ...