Hefty®Zoo Pals®Plates Zoo Pals®Make Eating Fun!™ Full color designs featuring ten original Zoo Pals®animals Built-in dipping wells/compartments that hold just the right amount of ketchup, ranch, fruit, peanut butter, candies, and more ...
Whether you want to share the Zoo Pals magic with your own kids or embrace the nostalgia yourself, you can buy the plates at online retailers starting today.
My first thought is... when did they stop making Zoo Pals in the first place? I can't remember a single party I went to growing up where there wasn't a stack of Zoo Pal plates ready to go on the table. If your parents really loved you, they'd even let you eat on them just ...
Zoo Pals!!! The next question is one that we all have. Are they bringing back the commercial too? That had to be the most catchy and fun song to singalong with as a kid. Even though there was this creepy sounding fork in the background... there wasn't a single kid who didn't ...
(*boo*) and started getting a bit sooky so decided to create my own fun. Had been lusting after a yummy uniformed Bear all night so discretely threw myself in her path until she demanded I get my stuff and jump on the bus heading back to Copenhagen with her and her pals. No sooner...