would rather pay the co::;t than Rus and Stephen to hel_p them The e lection will be held on Mon- l'ithl'r cut back or search for al- with an engagement at Fagar's day and Tuesday, June 30 and l l'rnativC'::;. This is thl' same logi<' hland in OcC'an City, ...
Yanshan-Taihang; mountain region; Hebei province; ecosystem services; ecological sensitivity; ecological importance evaluation; self-organizing map; neural network1. Introduction Ecological significance signifies the importance of an area for the maintenance of regional ecological security, and the essence of...
Sketch map of horizontal hydrochemical zonation of phreatic water in the study area. 4.2. Groundwater Chemical Composition of the Vertical Zone Characteristics 4.2.1. Changes in the Chemical Composition of Saltwater with Depth Taking Sungeng town as a case-study, the distribution area of shallow ...