Rezoning residential properties for commercial useJ. Yong
View "Veterans Park Neighborhood Association, Inc. v. City of Boise" on Justia Law
Properties containing a wetlands, upland buffer or other environmentally sensitive area and designated for conservation use shall be shown on the face of a Master Plan, development order or development agreement, preliminary long-form plat, or final plat. ...
for water craft; drive-in restaurant means a building from which food or drink is served on a self-service or car-service basis; dwelling unit means one or more habitable rooms used or intended to be used for residential accommodation when such room or rooms together contain or provide for ...
DWELLING: A building or part thereof used exclusively for residential purposes unless qualified otherwise under one of the following categories: A dwelling unit is a single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons including permanent provisions for living, sleeping,...
From a practical standpoint, local sign codes are very, very important . . . yet many municipalities get them wrong. For example,this summer the U.S. Supreme Court determined that a town’s sign code was unconstitutional. The journey of this case all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Cou...
An integrated design for development of residential, commercial, or industrial uses or combination of uses which is professionally designed to allow flexibility and initiative in site and building design and location, in accordance with a plan approved by the planning commission. 328. Professional ...
2019, the amount of off-street parking included in new building projects varied widely. Developers of 14 sites mixing retail space and residential units incorporated 53% fewerparking spacesthan required under previous zoning. Four added no parking, opting instead toshare parkingwith other properties....
The carriers proposed building the tower on the only non-residential property in the area in a segment of the property less than 20 feet from the shared property line with homes in Westfield. The application, which was heard in a series of 10 meetings that stretched for 14 months, was ulti...
4. For two-unit residential developments, the floor area of the smaller unit shall be at least 40 percent of the size of the larger unit. 5. No new residential units are permitted on the first story of any building in the CC district if the units would front directly on a public ...