Building code and zoning consulting services in New York City. For over 25 years JMV Associates has been providing industry leading service.
Nexus Consulting specializes in obtaining and expediting building code, zoning and permit reviews/approvals from the NY Dept. of Buildings and other agencies in behalf of our clients in Manhattan, NYC.
View of the old buildings on Franklin Street in the Tribeca neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City NYC. Image via Shutterstock/By Ryan DeBerardinis This article was originally published on Common Edge. Dozens of neighborhoods in New York City have been upzoned based on contrived, and even fal...
Construction Consulting Associates is New York City's premier building code consultancy. CCA has been the chosen partners to the city's foremost Architects and Developers since 1965. New York’s visionaries continually rely on us for our unparalleled kno
3C Codes Code/Zoning Specialist - Building Codes & Zoning compliance made easy. Virtual consultation platform specializing in construction codes, land-use & fire safety compliance.
Define zoning. zoning synonyms, zoning pronunciation, zoning translation, English dictionary definition of zoning. zone climatic zones A. North Frigid Zone B. North Temperate Zone C. Torrid Zone D. South Temperate Zone E. South Frigid Zone n. 1. a. An ar
Registered Architects and Engineers. NYC DOB zoning experts. Commercial to Residential Conversions, Condominium Conversions, Landmark Buildings, Public Assembly, Schools, Temples, Churches, Loft Board (IMD) dwellings. Award-winning architects & engineers
NYC.GOV - Department of Planning Let’s dump the word “zoning,” as in zoning ordinances that govern how land is developed and how buildings often are designed. Land-use regulation is still needed, but zoning increasingly has become a conceptually inappropriate term, an obsolete characterization...
Bird Friendly Building Design & Construction Requirements Guidance Document, NYC Buildings, November 2020 Version 1.0 (or subsequent version). § 41:16-13 Green Building, Sustainability, and Resiliency Standards. [Adopted 11-1-2023 by Ord. No. 6PSF-E, 11-01-2023] The green building and sust...
Code Clone HTTPSGitHub CLI Download ZIP This branch is197 commits behindNYCPlanning:develop. Latest commit Git stats 1,746commits ZoLa (New York City’s Zoning & Land Use Map) ZoLa provides a simple way to research zoning regulations and other information relevant to planners. Find ...