site built house means a housing unit which meets the requirements of the Building Code and is constructed on a permanent site where building materials are brought to the site and various trades execute the final product; sleeping unit means one or more habitable rooms used or intended to be ...
Then, the value of L was mainly determined by the available land volume, L1, and the value of M was mainly determined by M1, or the pending development zones. Through the above analysis, the model was adjusted to give Equation (11). D(r) = L12 N1λtYe(λt|r−y−r0|) eλtr...
Sustainability 2019, 11, 2325 12 of 19 District Dongqu Xiqu Jinyang Ningnan Butuo Puge Miyi Ganluo Xide Renhe De-chang Code I1H1 I2H1 M2 A2H2 N-S N-S A2I2H1M1 M2 N-S A2I2M1 A2M2 Table 3. The functional combination for each evaluation unit in the Panxi Area. Multifunction ...