Another example of the implementation of coastal landuse regulation in the EU can be found in Romania. According to Romanian law, permanent structures are not permitted in the "protected area" along the coast, which may be 50–150 m wide12. To our knowledge, setback zones have so far only...
Rapid tremor migration (RTM) in subduction zones is a manifestation of complex fault-zone processes on the plate interface. Recent observations have revealed a large diversity of RTM patterns that are always associated with aseismic, shear strain at the
In the elongation zone, 79% (15/19) enriched GO terms were up-regulated, but the direction of regulation within each term varied as seen by the lower average log2 fold changes between 0 and 1 Fig. 3). Some stress-responsive GO terms were enriched in all three zones (GO:0006979; GO:...
Colors indicate presence or absence of Ighv region premature stop codons in cells of the indicated phenotype (pos, positive, neg, negative). Data are overlaid with cells that were not sequenced (gray), for reference. Less frequent BCRlow cells were often enriched during FACS sorting. See also...
However, little is known about the mobility, spatial scales, or dynamic regulation of cargo in the dendritic ER. Here, we show that membrane proteins, including AMPA-type glutamate receptors, rapidly diffuse within the continuous network of dendritic ER but are confined by increased ER complexity ...
Alteration zones in the Eastern Desert are promising for minerals and geological resources exploration. Remote sensing and geophysical techniques offer cost-effective tools for identifying new exploration sites. Additionally, their use in mapping potenti
(indicated with colors). The edges (connections inside the chord circle) represent the associations between the ASVs. Note how the proportion of associations changes across the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the ocean. Source data are provided in the GitHub/Zenodo37repositories (sections 02_...
The regional downscaling approach using eddy-resolving ocean-only models can potentially miss an important part of the dynamics driven by small-scale wind stress curl changes. Last but not the least, some of the projected changes in EBUSs by HR show competing effects between upwelling intensity ...
Fig. 2: Biogeochemical context of oxygen deficient zone samples. ALocations of metagenomes from ETNP, ETSP, and Arabian Sea. Colors correspond to the concentration of dissolved oxygen at 300 m below sea surface according to World Ocean Atlas 2018.BRepresentative profiles for NO3–, NO2–, ...
Transmission diagram computed numerically using COMSOL Multiphysics for 3D model of the chain made of 50 unit cells. The three main mode shapes for the frequency range of interest and their associated natural frequencies are also depicted. The color shows the normalized total displacement field. ...