The Zones of Regulation provides an easy way to think and talk about how we feel on the inside and sorts emotions into four colored Zones, all of which are expected in life. Learn more Blue Zone Sad • Bored • Tired • Sick ...
Learn about the Zones of Regulation a powerful framework and curriculum to help students develop emotional self-regulation and control.
Explore the research behind the Zones of Regulation curriculum including studies and articles backing emotional self-regulation education.
best option to help them get back to the Green Zone. How can you use The Zones of Regulation? Students have received instruction in identifying the emotions that go with each zone, expected and unexpected behavior, and tools and strategies. ...
The Qinghai Lake EFZ had the highest growth rate of materials production, air quality regulation, climate regulation, erosion prevention, maintenance of soil fertility and cultural and amenity services. The Qaidam EFZ had the highest growth rate of food production, water production, waste treatment ...