Alteration zones in the Eastern Desert are promising for minerals and geological resources exploration. Remote sensing and geophysical techniques offer cost-effective tools for identifying new exploration sites. Additionally, their use in mapping potenti
Our results reveal that the effectiveness of the ND is limited by both time-lags between the implementation of good practices and pollution reduction and an inadequate designation of NVZs. Substantial improvements in the designation and regulation of NVZs are necessary, as well as in the quality ...
(b) Backscatter electron (BSE) image showing the mode-I cracks in spinel. See the methods section for analytical conditions. (c) Element map of the BSE image using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The colour coding is based on the relative amounts of O, Mg, Si, Fe, Al, ...
Understanding end-users’ preferred breeding traits and plant management practices is fundamental in defining sound breeding objectives and implementing a successful plant improvement programme. Since such knowledge is lacking for Synsepalum dulcificum,
was scanned repetitively over the same line and the resultant fluorescence trace displayed with time along the x-axis against distance along the axon on the y-axis. A single stimulus was given (arrowhead), leading to transient increase in fluorescence level (i.e. [Ca2+]i). The colour scale...
Sediments play a key role in subduction. They help control the chemistry of arc volcanoes and the location of seismic hazards. Here, we present a new model describing the fate of subducted sediments that explains magnetotelluric models of subduction zone
(a,b) Element maps (electron microprobe) that show the distribution of silicon (a) and calcium (b) across an ultramylonite layer (location inFig. 1d). The step size is 1 μm and the colour scale refers to the number of counts (see the methods section). These maps highlight enrichm...
Arid Zone Plants in Mexico Nutritional Benefits and Importance of Arid Zone Plants The Importance and Traditional Use of Arid Zone Plants Bioactive Compounds in Arid Zone Plants and Their Usage as Foodstuff The Use of Traditional Crops for the Development of Functional Foods Conclusions Author Contribu...
From 1980 to 2020, only Hehuang EFZ showed a decline in the value of most ESs, while other EFZs showed an increasing trend in the value of ESs (Table 3). The Qinghai Lake EFZ had the highest growth rate of materials production, air quality regulation, climate regulation, erosion preventio...
in the context of climate change. Zones encourage the use of vehicles with lower emissions, such as hybrid or electric vehicles, which reduces CO2emissions [9]. The implementation of low-emission zones is a complex process that requires appropriate infrastructure, vehicle emissions, regulation, and...